Symptoms and Risk Factors
Stigmas and Misconceptions

This is the symptom where you think about ending your life

Suicidal Ideation


Who will find out if you start going to a therapist?

Only people you tell and doctors helping with your treatment. Your friends, co-workers, and family members will not know unless you tell them.


 This is the most common treatment for depression.

Cognitive Behavioral therapy helps you identify thought patterns, change behaviors, self-monitor, and find coping skills.


What type of doctor prescribes medications for mental health issues?

A psychiatrist. A psychiatrist attend medical school and works in a team with a therapist/counselor to guide your treatment.


This is the symptom where you stop enjoying life overall or stop enjoying your favorite activity

Lack of please/ Anhedonia


T/F: Depression is all in your head and you can choose to not be depressed.

False! Depression is a real illness that causes physical changes to the brain and body. You do have the power to make choices to treat depression.


Prozac, Wellbutrin, and Zoloft are examples of what?

Anti-depressants. Many people experience decreased depressive symptoms when properly taking antidepressants.


This person provides emotional support, reframes negative thinking patterns, and provides a space for you to safely share your thoughts.

A therpaist


A history of depression in these people greatly increases your risk of depression

family members


T/F: depression is a normal part of life.

False! Experiencing sadness, grief, and loss are a part of life, but these are different from depression. Depression requires depressed mood and loss of intererest or pleasure for at leat two weeks, in additon to other symptoms like fatigue, weightloss, and feelings of worthlessness.


When treated effectively, this happens to 80-90% of those diagnosed with depression.

Return to their normal daily lifes. In addition to therapy, and medication, lifestyles changes like exercise, healthy eating, and stress management can help improve symptoms of depression.


Texting HOME to 741741 or texting 988 in a mental health crisis will connect you with

A trained crisis counselor


Andy has noticed it's harder to sleep, he eats less, and is more irritable. Ben has been sleeping more, eating more, and no longer enjoys playing video games. Who could have depression: Andy, Ben, or both?

Both: depression has a wide range of symptoms and can look different in different people.


A week before her period every month, Sara feels hopeless, worthless, and has extreme mood swings. Her mom tells her, “That’s normal before your period.” Is Sara’s mother correct?

No! Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) can share symptoms with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), but is much more severe. PMDD can interfere with relationships and normal daily function.


Marco started seeing a therapist because of his depression. His friends told him, “do not tell her you think about killing yourself. She will report it and you will get locked up!” What must a therapist report?

Therapists must report if you have a PLAN to harm yourself, others, or if a child/elder is being abused. Thoughts of suicide are not usually reported unless it is an emergency. Please do not be afraid to talk about your health.


Nico is seeing a therapist for his depression. One day he states, “I still feel so alone. It seems like everyone is managing life just fine and no one knows what I’m going through.” What outside resource might his therapist recommend?

A depression support group. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America is an example of an online resource to find support groups to meet virtually or in-person with others who are also struggling.