Buzzwords of the 1930's
What did Europe purchased much from Canada in the early 1920's
The government kept payments really low.
How did the government encourage people to go and look for work?
A state where the government actively looks after welfare of its citizen
Define Welfare state
Numerous droughts Nasty windstorms carried away the topsoil Grasshoppers ate everything in sight
What series of disasters hit in the Prairies?
R.B Bennett from Conservatives.
Who won the election in 1930? Which party was he in?
In 1935, over a thousand men left work camps to travel to Ottawa to complain directly to the PM about poor pay and conditions in the work camps.
What is ''On to Ottawa Trek''?
As we had a small population, we couldn't buy all of our own domestic goods and relied heavily on exporting especially on the U.S.
How did raised tarrifs on goods from other country hurt Canada?
By 1933, more than one quarter of Canada's workforce was unemployed, so jobless homeless men drifted across the countryside looking for work.
Explain the reason that many people hopped on freight trains
The government was supposed to help the unemployed. There was so little tax revenue being collected, the government could not cover its costs and was forced to go into debt like everyone else.
How did the causes of depression affect government?
Bennett Barnyard:Abandoned farm Bennett Blanket:Newspaper used by homeless Bennett Coffee:Roasted wheat Bennett Buggy:Car pulled by horses Eggs Bennett:Roasted chestnuts
What flags did people used to mock PM R.B. Bennett
-Fairer, more progressive taxation -Insurance against illness, injury and unemployment -Workplace reforms like regulated work hours and minimum wages -Revised old age pensions -Agricultural support programs to regulate wheat prices
What did Bennett do which was the same as ''New Deal'' in Amrerica?
Throughout the 1920's both farmers and manufacturers were producing an overabundance of consumer goods. When people had enough money to spend they could get away with this, but when times became tough, people only bought the bare necessities. The result was warehouses of unsold goods. Prices dropped, manufacturers cut wages and cut employees or closed down altogether.
Explain overproduction in 1920's
Soil in the Prairies had become exhausted due to overfarming. A series of windstorms hit the Prairies blowing much of the topsoil in the region. A plague of grasshoppers descended on the Prairies. Small wonder that farmers were devastated and thousands abandoned their land.
How did drought make life sucked harshly?
Bennett created work camps for young, unemployed. They were located deep in the woods so the men were completely isolated. They worked dead end jobs such as building roads, clearing lands and digging drainage ditches. They were paid 20 cents a day and given room and board.
What were the actions that Bennett had took in order to keep Canadians from communism and crime?