what roots are most commonly affected w/ herpes zoster?
thoracic & lumbar
*unilateral distribution*
the "rash that itches"
atopic dermatitis
most common type of contact dermatitis and examples
irritant= chem, alc, cream exposure- immediate
allergic= nickel, poison ivy, metal, chemicals - type 4
linear or geometric distribution
topical corticosteroid 1st then systemic if needed
what is the thin, spoon shaped nail associated w/?
iron defiency, DM
both herpes simplex virus types use PCR to dx. What does type 2 also use and what does it show to dx?
tzanck smear= multi nucleated giant cells
autoimmune destruction of melanocytes
chalky/white coloration
tx= topical corticosteroid
usually in trauma or sun areas
most common type of impetigo?
non-bullous: honey colored esp around mouth
staph A or GAS
kids common, poor hygiene, poverty, crowded places
mild: mupirocin (tx household & nasal cavities)
extensive: ceph or dicloxacillin abx
what is a key factor of a drug eruption?
generalized distribution (usually trunk & extremities)
type 4
meds- NSAIDS, PCN, sulfa, allopurinol
tx= anti histamine, stop med
what purple skin lesion is related to ppl w/ HIV?
Kaposi sarcoma
tx of moderate acne
topical retinoid + oral abx + topical antimicrobial
papules w/ central umbilication usually in high friction areas esp in kids
molluscum contagiosum
viral infxn w/o systemic prob
observe or curettage
atopic triad of atopic dermatitis
allergic rhinitis + asthma + eczema
*usually flexor creases*
*itchy & dry*
what population is common with different lengths of hair with black dots on scalp?
mental health pop
tx= SSRIs
what has:
sudden tapioca like vesicles on soles/hands followed by desquamation/dessicaiton
dyshidrotic eczema/ pompholyx
mild/mod = betamethasone
severe: prednisone + topical clobetasol
tx of mild-moderate rosacea
topical: metronidazole, ivermectin, sulfacetamide
mod-severe: oral abx (doxy) + topical
redness= topical brimonidine
onychomycosis develop from untx'd what?
tinea manuum or pedis
dx= KOH exam, periodic acid-schiff test
tx= oral terbinafine
what dx?
regrow w/ white or grey hair
thryoid disease commonly associated
alopecia areata
lab= thyroid (consider)
dx= pull test
tx= minoxidil or ILK triamcinolone
neg nikolsky sign is associated w/ what dx
bullous pemphigoid
punch biopsy
common w/ parkinsons, loop diuretics, metformin
leads to mood disorder b/c they dont wanna go in public
large bullae that dont rupture easily
cauliflower like lesions caused by HPV
condyloma accuminata
if untx'd become SCC
may have spontaneous resolution
1st= imiquimod
prevent w/ gardasil vaccine
what dx:
worse w/ debridement?
pyoderma gangrenosum
influx of neutrophils into dermis
rapid progression of satellite alterations that may merge w/ central ulcer
topical & systemic steroids or tacrolimus
this type of hair loss is related to iron deficiency in women. what labs are needed?
TSH, T4, cbc, iron, vit d, maybe RPR
telogen effluvium
tx= minoxidil + multi vit
stress= trigger
what does the punch biopsy of pemphigus vulgaris show?
type 2
+ nikolsky sign = skin detaches w/ trauma/pressure
dx= punch biopsy & ELISA
tree or feather like pattern on both thumb nails
median canaliform nail dystrophy
from trauma
rams horn on nail refers to what dx?
what is recurrent, painful deep nodules w/ draining tracks?
hidradenitis suppurativa
risks= obese, female, smoke, acne hx, fam hx
intertrigous skin
tx= fix risk factors, avoid high glycemic foods
inflamm lesions= topical clinda
inflam lesions w/ sinus track/scar= doxy
refractory= surgery