Become Jehovah's Friend
Whiteboard Animations
Wheel to Paradise
In this Caleb and Sophia video what did Caleb break that was sophia's? What lessons did they both learn?
The Giraffe. They should forgive freely
This Whiteboard Animation gives help and advice to all children in school. It teaches how to uphold Jehovah's standards and stay away from violence, even when provoked.
"Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fist"
Person: _ _ _ _ Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Place: _ _ _ _ _ _
Moses parting Red Sea
In this Caleb and Sophia video, Caleb learns about a quality of Jehovah. He learned to stay busy and wait.
"You Can Be Patient!"
This Whiteboard Animation teaches all of us to stay away from harmful talk. If a conversation gears that direction this video gives advice on how to take action.
"How Can I Stop Harmful Gossip?"
Person: _ _ _ _ _ Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Place: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jesus teaching at temple
In this Caleb and Sophia video "Be Truthful" what illustration did Caleb's father give him about not lying and how lying can ruin trust and people might not want to be your friend anymore.
"making friends is like building a bridge and lying is like tearing down that bridge.
This Whiteboard Animation gives us four easy steps to help us to gain the strength to be our own person.
"Stand Up to Peer Pressure"
Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Place: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _
Daniel Praying put in Lion's Pit
In the Caleb and Sophia video, Be Generous, Sophia makes a decision: a. to buy ice cream b. to give to Jehovah's organization
b. to give to Jehovah's organization
This Whiteboard Animation gives advice on how to have fun and be smart when dealing with the internet.
"Be Social Network Smart"
Person: _ _ _ _ _ Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ Place: _ _ _ _ _ _
Jesus Cleans Temple
In the Caleb and Sophia video, "Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold", what did the little Hebrew girl do-how was she brave?
She spoke up about Jehovah prophet being able to heal Nahum.
This Whiteboard Animation gives advice on how to have good associations instead of having fake friends.
"What's a Real Friend"
Person: _ _ _ _ Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Saul throwing spear at David