Flowers on the tips of my stems open at night so bats can sip nectar and move my pollen for me.
saguaro cactus
I store water in my stem. My stem is the shape of a barrel.
barrel cactus
I use my white tail to reflect sunlight off my back.
ground squirrel
I can live off the fat stored in my pink, spotted tail. The fat can feed me for months.
I have big eyes to see and hunt mice at night. You might hear me call “who, who.”
I am a bird, but I spend most of my time on the ground. My long legs help me run fast.
My long ears help me lose body heat and keep cool.
kit fox, kangaroo rat, jackrabbit
I look like sticks until it rains. Then red flowers appear on the tips of my stems.
I howl at night to let other animals know where I am.
My body can grow to be 4 feet long. I like to curl up in the hot sun.
My yellow flowers and long branches make shade for young cactus plants.
palo verde tree
My red fruit and I have spines. Some birds still eat my fruit. These birds spread the seeds that were inside my fruit.
strawberry cactus