Design Problem Solving
Energy Transfer
Thermal Dynamics

What are the steps typically involved in solving a design problem?

Brainstorm, test, evaluate


What type of energy transfer occurs when a phone charges?

Electrical energy from outlet to phone battery


Explain the purpose of an oven mitt in terms of thermal energy flow.

Reduce thermal energy from dish to hands


When designing a lunchbox to keep sandwiches fresh, what should be considered?

Requirements: Keeps food cool; Limitations: Lightweight material


When designing gloves for warmth, what energy transfer poses the greatest obstacle?

Thermal energy from room to hands


What does a cozy on a hot cocoa mug aim to do regarding thermal energy flow?

Reduce flow from cocoa to air


Why might builders change their plans when designing a house?

To improve safety or strengthen the structure


Describe the energy transfer when a baker places cookies on the counter to cool down.

Thermal energy decreases in cookies, increases in counter


What is the purpose of an electric heater in a room in terms of thermal energy transfer?

Allow transfer from heating element to air, warming room


What is one reason why a student might revise their essay after teacher feedback?

To clarify ideas and improve readability


What property should a material possess to create a device that quickly heats up food?

Thermal conductor


How does an ice pack wrapped in a towel affect thermal energy transfer?

Reduces transfer from ice pack to air


Why might a chef change a recipe while cooking?

To adjust taste or cater to dietary needs


Describe the energy transfer in a car heated by its heater on a cold day.

Input: Thermal energy from engine. Output: Thermal energy to the inside of the car


How does sunlight heating a greenhouse affect thermal energy transfer?

Allows transfer from sunlight to interior, warming the greenhouse