Invention or Innovation
Inventor Savvy
Sketch it
Word Power
Something that is brand new... never before made.
What is an invention?
.ipt file
What is a part file? (notice part starts with p and .ipt has a p? Pretty slick ;) hint. hint.)
Multiview 2D drawings that show top, front and side views
What is an orthographic sketch? (top, front and side views. all drawn as separate views.)
A straight line passing from the center of the circle to the edge.
What is the radius?
This is the exact measurement of the diameter of your chair leg in centimeters . . .
What is 1.7 cm?
When you take something that already exists and make it even better :)
What is an innovation?
.iam file
What is an assembly file? (notice .iam has an a and assembly has an a... hint, hint)
3D sketch, shows height, depth and width in one sketch.
What is an isometric sketch? (3D picture)
lines that are next to each other but will never touch each other or cross over each other.
What is parallel? (like the ll in the word parallel)
We have these so that anyone - a designer, engineer, architect, etc. - can understand exactly what your drawing means.
Why do we have rules for sketching? (If everyone was sketching their own thing it would not be easy for another engineer to read.)
A new type of shoe that carries your pencil so you always have one for class.
What is an innovation. (A shoe already exists, you just made it better)
.idw file
What is a drawing file? (d is in draw and in .idw)
A picture that shows only what the top of a building looks like this . . .
What is the top view of an orthographic sketch? (2D sketch, top view)
Two lines that cross making a 90 degree angle.
What are perpendicular lines? (like a CAPITAL T)
The distance around the outside of the circle.
What is the circumference? (like the crust of a pizza. It follows it all the way around.)
A brand new robot you eat to eliminate the desire to eat soap.
What is an invention? (because it is new)
Money, space, time, dimensions, human limitations, etc. are examples of . . .
What are constraints? Constraints are limitations that determine how projects are executed.
A drawing of a building that shows height, width and depth in the same picture - can also have two vanishing points
What is an isometric sketch? (3D picture. shows height, width and depth in the same picture)
a line that goes from one edge to the other through the center of the circle.
What is the diameter?
more ideas, more people working to solve the problem, collaboration, faster to finish a job, less work on you because it is spread out
Why is teamwork important when working on a job or an assignment?
A drinking fountain that gives hot chocolate instead of water.
What is an innovation? (Just like a car that runs on alternative fuel, this drinking fountain runs on hot choco. That makes it an innovation.)
Once I put my monkey bars together it saved as monkeybars.iam file.
What is an assembly file?
After you extrude a sketch in inventor it becomes this . . . showing height, depth and width
What is an isometric sketch? (once it is extruded your object has height, depth and width.)
feet, inches, yards
What are standard units of measurement?
Civil engineers, mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers, computer engineers, water engineers, wind engineers
What are engineering careers? (We rely on engineers everyday to make our lives better. From cars we drive, the fuel they run on and the make up of the road we drive on just to name a few.)