Activist Art
Tectonic Technology
Cultural Capitals
Fabled Fiction
Boundless Biology

A contemporary artist, known for her provocative works that explore race, gender, and identity, typically involving self-portraits with strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. She suffered from polio in childhood and was severely injured in a bus accident at 18 which caused her lifelong chronic pain.

Who is Frida Kahlo?


A distributed, immutable ledger database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks linked and secured using cryptography.

What is a Blockchain?


Founded in the 7th century BC, and once known as Byzantium, this city has served as a crucial crossroads of trade and culture between Europe and Asia for centuries. The city has diverse architecture from its many rulers and cultural influences over the centuries but the city is famous for its domed churches decorated in exquisite mosaics.

What is Istanbul?


Published in 1949, this book depicts a totalitarian regime that employs mass surveillance and propaganda including the re-writing of history to control its citizens. The story was the origin of the term "Big Brother", exploring themes of freedom and individuality, it has significantly influenced modern perception of government control.

What is 1984?


This naturally occuring structure inspired the design of the mid-rise Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, designed by Mick Pearce, whereby it can self-regulate temperature and humidity without the use of mechanical air conditioning, thus using only 10% of the energy of a conventional building of its size. 

What is a Termite Mound?


An anonymous street artist known for politically charged stencilled works, which often critique social issues and capitalism, making art accessible to the public and sparking global conversations about activism.

Who is Banksy


The term that describes a collective network of physical objects connected to the internet, facilitating communication between the devices themselves and the cloud.

What is the Internet of Things?


Was a major financial and maritime power during the Middle ages and Renaissance period. A centre for trade and art in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was built across 126 islands in a lagoon, named after the people who inhabited the region and left a legacy of architecture in the region they controlled.

What is Venice?


The author of a dystopian novel depicting a near-future society where women are subjugated under a ultra religious totalitarian regime, exploring themes of power, gender, and resistance through the eyes of an indentured servant forced to bear children for the ruling class. 

Who is Margaret Atwood?


A creature which has inspired the development of synthetic materials that replicate the microscopic structure of their feet, allowing for adhesion without the use of glues.

What is a Gecko?


An art movement that sought to unlock the unconscious mind, depicting illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas, and was associated with political causes such as communism and anarchism.

What is Surrealism?


A term first popularised by author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash," describing a virtual reality space inhabited by avatars of real people.  

What is the Metaverse?


An ancient Mesopotamian city, located in modern day Iraq, founded in 2300 BCE, it was a capital of a significant empire under King Hammurabi. It was known for impressive gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, as well as being a centre of mathematics and astronomy. It's name translates to "gate of the gods".

What is Babylon?


Published in 1960, this novel set in an Alabama town during the 1930's, addresses serious issues such as racial injustice and moral growth through the eyes of a young female protagonist named Scout.

What is To Kill a Mockingbird?


This plant has inspired the development of superhydrophobic (water-repellent) materials by replicating its microscopic bumps and structures that trap air at the surface. These materials allow for self-cleaning surfaces without the use of chemicals and detergents. 

What is a Lotus?


A political movement started in 1965, coined by acclaimed poet Allen Ginsberg that subsequently became an artistic style, which focused on positive values such as peace and love instead of brute force and rebellion in order to “fight” for freedom.

What is Flower Power?


Uses special units called qubits that can exist in multiple states at the same time allowing complex calculations much faster than traditional processors.

What is quantum computers / computing?


Originally going by the name Tenochtitlan, it is the oldest capital city in the America's, one of only two capitals founded by indigenous people with its founding dating back to 1325. Legend says that the site for the city was indicated by their god presenting a golden eagle perched on a prickly pear devouring a rattlesnake. It was almost completely destroyed in the 16th century before being rebuilt in European style by the Spanish with the original Aztec layout remaining. 

What is Mexico City?


This Greek poet wrote an epic poem written around the 8th century BCE, recounting the long and perilous journey of Odysseus as he attempts to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War. The narrative explores themes of heroism, loyalty, and the struggles against divine and natural forces.

Who is Homer?


This bird has inspired the development of superior thermal insulation materials replicating the overlapping nature of its feathers which create micro pockets of air that minimise heat loss. The same overlapping feather structure also provides anti-icing and anti-adhesive qualities.

What is a Penguin?


This artist's installation piece "The Dinner Party," featuring place settings for notable women throughout history, has become a landmark in feminist art, sparking discussions about gender, history, and representation in the arts.

Who is Judy Chicago?


A branch of artificial intelligence that concentrates on creating algorithms and statistical models, that improve their performance as they are exposed to increasing amounts of data over time allowing computers to learn from data and make predictions.

What is Machine Learning?


Founded by the Spanish in 1565, this city is referred to as the oldest continuously inhabited European-established settlement in the continental United States. Very little of its original architecture remains with only the  Castillo de San Marcos, completed in the late seventeenth century, surviving destruction of the city by invading British forces in 1702.

What is St. Augustine?


Published in 1950, it was a seminal work by Isaac Asimov, a collection of interconnected short stories that introduced the concept of the 'Three Laws of Robotics' and explores the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and the relationship between humans and robots.

What is I, Robot?


This animal feature detects minute vibrations in the air allowing for the detection of nearby objects even in darkness. This has inspired the design of sensors that enable robots to navigate tight spaces and avoid obstacles.

What are Whiskers?