Art/Design History
Color Theory
Design Basics
BAC History

Other than their impressionist style, this artist was famously known for cutting off his own ear.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


When blended, these colors make up the color white.

What is Red, Green, and Blue?


This font is widely loathed by designers, but is a popular choice for school teachers and even some comic writers.

What is Comic Sans?

This type of graphic is mathematically based and is infinitely scalable.

What is a Vector Graphic?


Bumperactive can attribute most of its growth to this candidate who ran for Senate in 2018. 

Who is Beto O’Rourke?


This method of printing was discovered in China during the Song Dynasty and is now one of the most popular methods for printing on garments.

What is screen printing?


This color is made up of a mixture of all colors and is the recommended type of black for printed media. 

What is Rich Black?


This is the recommended max number of fonts you should use within a design project, and never more.

What is 3?


This refers to the the setup of elements within a design that can be used to emphasize important information.

What is Heirarchy?


This was Bumperactive’s first major Democratic Party store.

What is the Texas Democratic Party?


This was the earliest major book printed in Europe using mass produced metal moveable type, which increased the availability of literature to the general public.

What is the Gutenberg Bible?


This type of setting is best used for all digitally printed media. 

What is CMYK?


This refers to the small flourish at the end of strokes in each letter.

What is a Serif?


This measurement determines the resolution of a raster based image.

What is Pixels Per Inch (PPI)


This is the name of the first order tracking system used by Bumperactive before the implementation of OnSite.

What is Teddy?


This design movement was sparked by a fine art school located in Germany, which embraced minimalist design, visual heirarchy, and the power of simplicity. 

What is the Bauhaus Movement?


This color is known for its ability to stimulate hunger, and is widely used across different restaurant chains.

What is the color Red?


This refers to the last lone word on a line by itself within a block or paragraph of text. 

What is a widow?

This setting refers to the amount of space between individual letters in a line of text.

What is kerning?


This was the name assigned to one of the first large sticker printers at BAC.

What is Xena or Venus?