Which of the following are examples of negative talk: a. If you're busy, I can handle it! b. It's not my fault! c. The boss won't like the idea...
What are a and c * remember positive language conveys a helpful and positive image. It is a skill.
Define 3 of the following terms: Intelligence, Part Time work, flexible hours, skill, body language, interest, shadowing, shift work, volunteering
Intelligence- the ability to learn Part time work - employment that does not require a 40 hour work week flexible hours- being able to work outside of the regular 9-5 hours skill- traits or qualities that are considered worthwhile body language- communicating without the use of words interests- something that a person finds joy or pleasure in shadowing- work an individual does to learn about a job shift work- work hours that change periodically (every 2 weeks) volunteering- work an individual does to help their community (remember you need 40 hours of these to graduate!!)
Is sorting occupations by compensation package a good organizational strategy?
No. organizational strategies should have a positive, functional purpose therefore you should consider by how they relate your favourite subjects in school, how they relate to your interests and work preferences or by which are available to you locally
which of these should you consider when narrowing down your field of interest. your values or your friends and family
What are your values
What does good teamwork look like? What is done in a situation where there is disagreement but the team is willing to work together.
What are: Answers will vary and come to a consensus.
These types of learners prefer to make pictures of words, ideas or concepts in their heads
What are visual learners
These learners prefer to make speeches and presentations or dictate to someone
Who are auditory learners
What is the employment standards act. What does it cover, who does it apply to and what is its purpose? Also who's responsibility is it to know what you need to do to be safe on the job?
It sets minimum standards which must be observed in almost all ontario workplaces. The purpose is to protect workers and set standards for - hours of work/paid time off -wages/ methods of payment - pregnancy/ parental leave - termination and layoffs - role of the Ministry of labour Yours
Which of these is the most important need of employers and employees in the workplace today? availability, teamwork, wage or individualism
What is teamwork. Remember that business owners are also looking for the following qualities: discipline, work ethic, reliability, adaptability, good communication skills and a positive attitude
What are the 5 parts of the PASTE model
What are Problem- identify the problem or desired solution Alternatives- list all the possible alternatuves to solve the problem or solution Solutions- choose the best solution or most realistic alternative Try- test the effect or result of the solution chosen Evaluate- determine the effectiveness of the solution
How many occupations will you likely have in your lifetime? 1. 1-3 2. 6-7 3. 5-6 4. 9-10
What is c. 6-7
What is the main purpose of labour unions
What is to be a voice for it's members
suggest two ways we can deal with change.
ex. prioritizing, being flexible, maintaining positive physical, mental and healthy lifestyles.
These type of learners like to build a model to illustrate what they are learning
Who are tactile learners
True or false: The Ontario Human Rights Code promotes unequal employment opportunities regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic citizenship, marital status, family status, creed, age, sexual orientation, record of offences or handicap.
What is false. The Ontario Human Rights Code promotes EQUAL employment opportunities.
Who discovered/ identified the multiple intelligences? What are they? Bonus: what is your dominant multiple intelligence?
Who is Howard Gardner . Visual/ spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, verbal linguistic, logical mathematical, naturalistic and intrapersonal.
This collection of work is similar to a scrapbook
What is a portfolio
Which of these is not a category of employability skills? a. Academic b. Personal management c. Teamwork d. Transferable
What are a. academic skills Personal management skills can include things like: 1. positive attitudes and behaviours 2. responsibility 3. adaptability Teamwork skills can include things like: 1. contributing to the organizations goals 2. respecting others thoughts and opinions Transferable skills can include things like 1. Motivating others 2. Deal with obstacles and crises 3. These skills can reflect how you deal with things 4. Skills learned from life experience or in past employment that you may apply to other jobs 5. Examples could be: able to meet deadlines, multi-task, manage staff, problem solve abilities, creative thinking etc
Which of the following is NOT an example of a career trend? a. the new workplace b. the global market place c. changing birthrates d. changing technology
What is changing birthrates. The baby boomer generation is affecting the work force by aging.
which of these is a challenge you face after high school as you enter the new phase of your life? a. not meeting new people b. living with your parents c. having financial responsibilities d. getting married
What is having financial responsibilities. Remember that as you enter the next phase of your life you will see an increase in financial need. This could be to pay for your next destination in postsecondary or to finance a new living situation.
true or false: your neighbour, your teacher, your parent's boss all make up your network
What is true
How many letters are there in the Myers-Briggs test?
What is 4
what percent of jobs are advertised? a. 10-20 b. 20-30 c. 50 + d. 30-40 Bonus: what are these postings called
What is a. and the hidden marketplace
What is a value. Name two of your values and explain why they are important.
What are the morals you use to make decisions. ex. You are interested in the environment therefore you value working somewhere that does not pollute the environment.
How many types of portfolios are there? What are they?
What is 3 Personal- communicates who you are Professional- communicates academic and essential skills Academic- communicates your development as a student