word formation
word patterns

1. My (able) to stay calm in stressful situations really annoys me.

2. Honestly, I am so (willing) to get up at 7 a.m. at the weekend! It`s too early.

3. His (able) didn`t stop him from doing what he loves. He went blind, but continued painting.

1. inability

2. unwilling

3. disability


Use the right prepositions

1. I object ..... this silly idea.

2. Do you shink Jenna will approve .... our plan?

3. She was banned .... the shop after she was caught shoplifting.

1. to

2. of

3. from


1. спорить с кем-то

2. делать одолжение

3. подружиться с кем-то

1. argue with sb

2. do sb a favour

3. make friends with sb


1. заботиться о ком-то

2. завести детей

3. пообещать

1. take care of; care for

2. start a family

3. promise, make a promise


1. I don`t think it`s a huge problem if you stay (marry). Marriage is not everything in life.

2. We need more (kind) in our world.

3. I am (able) to focus, it`s too noisy in here!

4. Lots of politicians only talk about social issues, but in reality they are rather (care) of ordinary people`s problems.

1. unmarried

2. kindness

3. unable

4. uncaring


Complete with the right prepositions:

1. People attacked the celebrity ..... wearing real fur.

2. I don`t think I can rely ..... Tim.

3. They fell .... love .... each other and after a year they got married and settled ...... in Scotland.

1. for

2. in, with

3. down


1. мечтать о чем-то

2. маскировка

3. Чтобы это сделать нужна смелость

1. dream of

2. disguise

3. It takes courage to do this.


1. влюбиться в кого-то

2. одобрять что-то

3. волнение

1. fall in love with sb

2. approve of

3. nervousness


1. Don`t you see the sighn? It`s a parking space for (able).

2. Her boyfriend`s (jealous) is starting to get on her nerves, she might even split up wit him.

3. If kids (obey), they might be punished.

1. the disabled

2. jealousy

3. disobey



1. You will never force me ..... skipping school.

2. The attack ..... the city occurred at night.

3. We finally agreed .... the best course of action.

1. into

2. on

3. on


1. одобрение

2. быть должным кому-то

3. быть в настроении для чего-то

1. approval

2. to owe sb (a favour)

3. be in the mood for sth


1. верить чему-то; когда кто-то нравится 

2. критиковать кого-то, принижать

3. удивлять

1. fall for

2. put sb down

3. take aback


1. If your job makes you (happy), you should quit.

2. She is so proud of her (achieve)!

3. It was really (kind) of you not to help that elderly woman.

4. I have never seen such (obey) in kids! He completely ignores the rules and does whatever he wants.

1. unhappy

2. achievement

3. unkind

4. disobedience



1. We need to convince him ..... the stupidity of his dream.

2. Belize became fully independent ... Britain in 1981. 

3. After an hour of an exhausting practice, the coach took pity .... them and let them take a break.

1. of

2. from

3. on


1. задуматься 

2. видеть сон о чем-то

3. чувствовать жалость к кому-то

4. жаль

1. daydream

2. dream about

3. feel pity for sb

4. It`s a pity


1. поссориться

2. помириться

3. смотреть на кого-то свысока

4. восхищаться кем-то

1. fall out with

2. make up (with)

3. look down on sb

4. look up to sb


1. Your homework is to write an (argue) essay.

2. How could you be so (care) and leave the door unlocked?

3. It`s no surprise nobody wants to work with him, he is quite (friend).

4. Your (willing) to help is impressive. 

1. argumentative

2. careless

3. unfriendly

4. willingness


1. Bob and his sister take turns caring ... their elderly mother. 

2. She's never cared very much ... her appearance. 

3. Is everybody .... favour .... this proposal?

1. for

2. about

3. in favour of


1. замаскироваться, переодеться в кого-то

2. оставаться друзьями

3. нарушить обещание

1. disguise yourself; disguised as sb/ sth

2. stay friends

3. break a promise; go back on a promise


1. заступится за кого-то; отстаивать

2. печально известный

3. сочувствующий

4. вспыльчивый

5. чувствительный

6. разумный

7. толпа 

1. stand up for sb/ sth

2. infamous

3. sympathetic

4. bad-tempered

5. sensitive

6. sensible

7. crowd