what was their religion
what is roman catholic
who did mythical stories come from
what is the Native American oral tradition
what is the rhetorical appeals can be used to explain logic
who is the most known mouse
what is Mickey Mouse
what did the A on Hesters chest stand for
what is Adultery
what type government did the puritans have
what is Theocracy
what myth characteristics is a god or spiritual being
what is a supreme being
what repeats grammatical or sentence structure
what is parallelism
what educational show is on Pbs kids with agents
Odd Squad
who is Hester's daughter
what is pearl
when did the puritan age start and end
what is 1620 and ended in 1745
what is a myth
what is stories that explain natural or spiritual phenomenon
what is pathos
what is Emotion
a blue dog with spots who ask the audience to help her find something with 3 clues
what is blues clues
what does peal represent
what is Hester's sin
what is puritanism?
what is a religious reform movement
where did the muskrat get the land to pot on the turtle
at the bottom of the sea
what is ethos
what is the credibility of a source or speaker
who is the big red dog
what is Clifford
who is the black man
what is the man who was in the forest that carried a book where people would sign their name in blood
what is a punishment for the puritans
death, whipping, shelling or jail time if lucky
What is a universal truth
What is the moral of the story
what is a set of associations implied by a word in addition to its literal meaning
fill in the blank"The Suite Life Of ...
what is Zack & Cody"
what was wrong with dimmsdale
he was hiding his sin from the people and got sick but in the end he revealed it