Ozone Layer
Affect on humans
Affect on planet

What is the primary function of the ozone layer in Earth's atmosphere?

To absorbe UV radiation


What does CFC stand for?



What does ODS stand for?

Ozone depleting substances


What do humans wear on a sunny day to prevent exposure to UV radiation?



what happens to the average global tempuratures on earth with a degrading ozone layer?

The average Temperature rises leading to a variety of other issues.


How does human activity contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer?

humans release CFCs wich break down the ozone layer.


What is the primary environmental issue associated with the use of CFCs?

They degrade the ozone.


International agreements such as the Montreal Protocol limit the use and release of ODSs what has the impact been of such agreements.

They have been extremely effective at lowering the use of CFCs and ODSs setting the ozone layer on track to fully heal.


Why can humans just use more sunscreen to protect themselves from UV radiation.

UV radiation doesn't just affect humans, and sunscreen is far from a permanent solution.


What issues are caused by increased UV radiation hitting earth specifically to the far north and southern hemispheres?

Both the northern and southern hemispheres with and increase in UV radiation will sea an even more accelerated belt of ice and snow leading to rising sea levels. 


What is the main reason behind the hole in the ozone layer over the arctic?

Mainly Stratospheric mixed with CFCs.


What is the significance of ozone depletion in Earth's atmosphere?

It can lead to many negative affects on the environment, and humans.


Name a common household appliance that may contain ODSs.(remember many ODSs are similar to CFCs.

Your refrigerator may have been made using ODSs or currently contains them.


How does prolonged exposure to increased ultraviolet radiation affect humans skin and eyes?

It may cause skin cancer and cartaracts.


The degradation of the ozone layer can contribute to changes in weather patterns all around the world, What are some implications of this issue?

Weather patterns changing can cause potentially irreparable damage to ecosystems.


How does the Montreal protocol help contribute to the recovery of the ozone layer?

It sets limits on many different types of ODSs including CFCs.


How does the Montreal agreement help to control CFC emissions?

many ODSs where banned from use in most of the world including CFCs limiting CFC emissions.


ODSs contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, but also climate change, what are the interconnected environmental implications of both issues?

ODSs contribute to climate change by increasing the amounts of other greenhouse gases lead to surface warming.


Increased ultraviolet radiation does not only impact humans, it also affects our food sources, how might our live stock being exposed to prolonged amounts of UV radiation impact our health by eating them?

It could lead to a lack of nutrition in our diet due to the affects of UV radiation.


Without the ozone layer harmful amounts of UV radiation pass through the atmosphere and damage what 3 things?

Crops/ plants, animals/humans, and the environment due to rises in temperature.


What was the name of the inventor of CFCs, and what was he also known for inventing.

His name was Thomas Midgley Jr., and he was known for the invention of tetraethyl lead (TEL)


what are some common every day appliances that used to ether contain, or produced using CFCs? (at least 3

Aerosol sprays, blowing agents for foams, packing materials, dissolving agents, and refrigerants.


What is the name for another Chemical/ substance in the atmosphere negatively affecting the ozone layer? ( from graph on slide 6)

HCFCs, Carbon Tetrachloride, Halons, Metro Chloroform and many others


Does UV radiation make humans grow a third arm or leg?

No, in cases so far is does not unfortunately.


How does the degrading ozone layer impact ecosystems, and the environment on a global scale?

Serious changes in environments such as flooding and dramatic changes in temperature can lead to the decline in biodiversity in an environment.