Alaska and what other state in the United States of America experience the most earthquakes?
What is California?
What Continent do we live in?
What is North America?
What is the Scientific Element for water?
What is a H20?
What are the three expectations that are on the morning announcements everyday?
What is be safe, responsible, and respectful?
The name for a cow when it is a baby?
What is a calf?
It is impossible for a human to naturally do this while sneezing.
Who is keeping your eyes open?
In which state lies the Statue of Liberty?
What is New York?
What is the name of the Galaxy we live in?
What is a Milky Way?
What are the PE expectations after you dress out at the beginning of class?
What is being on your number and sitting down quietly?
The fastest mammal in the world?
What is a cheetah?
What is another name for Autumn?
What is fall?
Name of the only state you can not drive to.
What is Hawaii?
How many days does it take for Earth to travel around the sun?
What is 365 days?
What are you expected to have with you if you are seen walking on campus during class?
What is a pass?
The name for a female deer?
What is a Doe?
This animal is known as a bear but is not a bear at all?
What is a Koala Bear?
What body of water is located West of North America?
What is Pacific Ocean?
This would be caused warm humid air collides with cold dry air.
What is a tornado?
What are you expected to hand to your teacher if you arrive to class late and do not have a pass to excuse you?
What is a tardy card?
The slowest animal on earth?
What is a sloth?
What species has the best endurance in the world?
What is a human?
How many continents are there?
What is seven?
What are the three states of matter?
What are liquid, solid, or gas?
The rule, "No Throwing or Bouncing Objects" falls under which category of the MVMS Expectations?
What is Safe?
A group of lions is known as what?
What is a pride?