This actor, famous for Iron Man, has openly shared his recovery journey.
Robert Downey Jr.
Many believe "beer before liquor" leads to this unfortunate outcome.
A hangover
This common legal consequence often signals a need for change.
A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life rather than the bad.
Sweating, shaking, nausea, and severe anxiety are common withdrawal symptoms from this widely consumed depressant
This iconic singer when asked if she would go to Rehab she said "no, no, no."
Amy Winehouse
Some think this drink "sobers you up" quickly, though science disagrees.
Rock bottom for some includes estrangement from these critical support systems
Family and Friends
Drugs cause this chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) to be released in excessive amounts and flood the reward pathway in the brain.
Restlessness, muscle aches, diarrhea, and intense cravings are key withdrawal symptoms of this class of drugs.
This comedian and actor wrote the book Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions.
Russell Brand
True or false: Marijuana is the gateway drug
Hitting rock bottom often prompts someone to enter this phase of recovery
This substance is the 3rd leading cause of lifestyle related death
Irritability, fatigue, depression, and increased appetite often follow the withdrawal of this the most commonly used drug in the world.
This artist stood up, cleaned out his closet, and wrote the albums Relapse, and Recovery.
There is a false belief that you have to hit this before you can recover.
Rock Bottom
Losing this due to substance use is a common rock bottom moment often tied to financial struggles
Your job
The acronym H.A.L.T stands for ________
Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.
Withdrawal from this may cause "crash like" symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, and vivid unpleasant dreams.
This late Saturday Night Live cast member and comedian was known for his struggles with addiction, which led to his untimely death.
Chris Farley
Addiction only happens to people with bad morals or weak willpower.
This is the term for when someone overdoses and needs emergency medical intervention
Near Death Experience
Name 4 different types of recovery support groups
AA, NA, Celebrate recovery, SMART recovery
Self-Management and Recovery Training
This class of drug can cause muscle spasms, brain damage causing hearing and memory loss.