The Stages
Successful Outcomes
2000s TV Shows (Worth Triple)

In what stage of development is identity development important?

Bonus 200 Points for the age that this stage happens.

What is "Stage 5: Identity vs Confusion"

Bonus: teenage years


What does the successful outcome look like for Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation?

What is "Strong relationships"


The beliefs, ideas, and values that help shape and guide a person's behavior 

What is "identity"


What was the name of the psychologist who created this theory?

What is "Erik Erikson"


What is the name of the evil babysitter in The Fairly Odd Parents?

What is "Vicky"


What stage is the one where you first start to develop a sense of personal control?

Bonus 200 Points: At what age does this stage happen?

What is "Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt"

Bonus: early childhood


What does the successful outcome look like for Stage 8: Integrity vs Despair?

What is "feelings of wisdom"


According to Erikson, ______ identity development is constantly changing due to the new experiences and information from our daily interactions with others. 

What is "ego"


Why is a strong sense of self importance in developing intimate relationships with others?

What is "understanding yourself and your boundaries and identity before needing to give to the needs of others" -- or something like that


What is Jimmy Neutron's catchphrase?

What is "Gotta Blast"


What stage is the one where you first start to develop feelings of competence or doubt?

Bonus 200 Points: At what age does this stage happen?

What is "Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority"

Bonus: early school years (5-11)


What does the successful outcome look like for Stage 1: Trust or Mistrust?

What is "safety and security"

What is "trusting adult figures"


What does our identity gives us?

What is a "solid sense of self"


What is the important event that happens in Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt?

What is "potty training"


What is the name of the tall, red imaginary friend with one arm in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends?

What is "Wilt"


What stage is the one where you first start to develop the capability to lead others?

Bonus 200 Points: At what age does this stage happen?

What is "Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt"

Bonus: Preschool years


What does the successful outcome look like for Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt?

What is "feelings of autonomy"


Our identity guides our _______?

What is "actions, beliefs and behaviors"


What is the failed outcome for Stage 7: Generativity vs Stagnation?

What is "shallow involvement in the world OR feeling unprodictive"


What is Grunkle Stan's real name in Gravity Falls?

What is "Stanley Pines'


What stage is the one where you first start to develop close relationships with others?

Bonus 200 Points: At what age does this stage happen?

What is "Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation"

Bonus: Young Adulthood (19-65)


What does the successful outcome look like for Stage 5: Identity vs Confusion?

Bonus 500 points: What does the failed outcome look like for this stage?

What is "the ability to stay true to yourself'

Bonus: What is "role confusion and a weak sense of self"


If you are unsuccessful in developing a solid identity, which stages that follow will be impacted? (500 points for each stage named). 

What is "Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation; Stage 7: Generativity vs Stagnation; Stage 8: Integrity vs Despair"


What is the failed outcome for Stage 6: intimacy vs isolation?

What is "loneliness and isolation"


What does Danny Phantom say before changing into ghost form?

Bonus 1000 points if you can tell me the name of his friend that is not so secretly in love with him.

What is "Goin'Ghost".

What is "Sam".