Infancy and Childhood Development Physical
Piagets Theory
Infancy and Childhood Development social and cognitive

developmental Psychology

Name two characteristics we learned in class Newborns possess.

Arrives with automatic reflex responses that support survival: sucking, tonguing, swallowing, and breathing

Cries to elicit help and comfort

Searches for sights and sounds linked to other humans especially mother

Hears and smells well and uses sensory equipment to learn

Possess a biologically rooted temperament 


Stage of Piagets Theory that is during ages 0-2



What is the fertilized egg,it enters a 2 week period of rapid cell division and develops into an embryo



What is Attachment?

An emotional tie with another person, shown in young children by their seeking closeness to their caregiver and showing distress on separation 


What is Developmental Psychology 

A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change through the lifespan


When is the critical period for some skills: language and vision

Early Childhood


At what age is the Formal Operational Stage 



What is the second prenatal developmental stage 



What type of relationship patter is described below:

Ability to explore when caregiver is close

Distress when seperated, happy when reunited

Positive outcomes for child

Secure Attachment 


Explain the psychological major issue of Nature vs. Nurture

It is how is our development influenced by the interaction between our genetic inheritance and experiences


Describe what happens during the 3-6 month period of development 

3-6 months: Rapid frontal lobe growth and continued growth into adolescence and beyond


What happens during the Preoperational Stage in a Childs development?

 A child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic


Name and describe the last stage in prenatal development 

Fetus - The developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth 


 A concept or framework that organizes and interprets information is called what?



What Psychological major issue can be described as which of our traits persists and which of our traits change through life

Stability and Change


Name the skill that is described below 

Develop as nervous system and muscles mature 

Primarily universal in sequence, but not in timing

Guided by genes and influenced by environment

Involves the same sequence throughout the world

Motor Skills


Describe and tell what age group the Concrete Operational Stage happens during development.

 Concrete Operational Stage -  In Piaget’s theory, the stage (from 7 to 11 years old) during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events


Name one prenatal risk we talked about in class.

Teratogens - “monster makers” - Agents like chemicals and viruses that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and causes harm


Describe Assimilation and Accommodation 

Assimilation - Interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing new information 

Accommodation - Adapting our current understandings (schema) to incorporate new information


What does the major psychological issue of Continuity and Stages deal with?

What parts of development are gradual and continuous and what parts change abruptly


What happens at the birth stage of development?

 Neuronal growth spurt and synaptic pruning


Describe one of the following; Object Permanence, Conservation, or Theory of Mind

Object Permanence - The awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived 

Conservation - The principle (which Piaget believed to be part of concrete operational reasoning) that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects 

Theory of Mind - Peoples ideas about their own and others mental states - about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts, and the behaviors these might predict 


What are the three aspects prenatal risks depend on?

Timing of exposure

Amount of exposure

Interaction effects


Describe the two theories of attachment 

Familiarity theory (Lorenz) -” I was born to love you to keep me alive”

Learning theory (Harlow) - “I love you because you feed me”


Name and describe ALL three Major issues in Psychology 

Nature vs Nurture - How is our development influenced by the interaction between our genetic inheritance and experiences

Continuity and Stages - What parts of development are gradual and continuous and what parts change abruptly 

Stability and Change - Which of our traits persists and which of our traits change through life