This is the first transition header, at the beginning of every screenplay.
What is "FADE IN"?
Clues that tell you what kind of genre the film is.
What is a genre convention?
This narrative structure in scriptwriting draws a line directly from A to B, with all action happening in sequence.
What is Linear?
A beginning, middle and an end.
What is a plot?
What is, EXT or INT?
It's a feature of short films, right before the climax.
What is a twist?
This type of narrative is begins where it ends
What is circular?
A character, a want and an obstacle.
This is something you should NEVER include in your scriipt.
Character's feelings and emotions.
Technology, information, the human race self destructing.
This type of narrative jumps in and out of a timeline, using flashbacks which add to the film's storyline.
What is non-linear?
A breakdown of a script scene by scene (location and time)
What is a script outline?
Every single page has one.
What is, page numbers?
When two genres become one.
What is genre hybridity?
Name a film with a non-linear narrative, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamind Pike.
What is Gone Girl?
It gives your story a connection to the audience and outside world, making it relevant, relateable, well-informed and authentic.
What is contextual research?