Physical, Perceptual, and Language Development
Cognitive and Emotional Development
Parenting Styles
an infant's clinging response to a touch on the palm of his or her hand
What is grasping reflex
This Swiss psychologist studied the development of thought in his own daughter and found that as a child grows older their level of understanding grows. He supports the cognitive approach to psychology
Who is Jean Piaget
Parents are self centered and distant from their children
What are uninvolved parents
the internally programmed gorwth of a child
What is maturation
When a child can't understand another person's perspective
What is egocentric
an infant's response in turning toward the source of touching that occurs anywhere around his or her mouth
What is rooting reflex
the principle that a given quantity does not change when its appearance is changed
What is the principle of Conservation
Parents guide children, but if the child is intent on getting his way parent will give in. Sometimes there are not many rules.
What are permissive/laissez faire
the kind of verbal utterances in which words are left out, but the meaning is usually clear
What is telegraphic speech
Psychologist who studied the relationship between mother and child through the rhesus monkey. He wanted to know what makes mothers so important. His findings show it had nothing to do with food, but with comfort contact
Who is Harry Harlow
this was used to look at depth perception in infants. Young infants were unafraid and crawled right over. Older infants refused to cross.
What is Visual Cliff
Stage of Piaget's whereschemas involveown body and sensations. Dimple motor reponses to sensory stimuli and there is no concept of object permanence
What is Sensorimotor
What the parent says goes - no discussion
What is authoritarian parenting
mental representations of the world
What are schemas
4 Types of attachment and the psychologist associated with them
What is secure, disorganized, aviodance, and resistant the psychologist is Mary Ainesworth
Age 2 language abilities
What are paired words and vocabulary of about a dozen
Piaget's stage where child understands abstract ideas and hypothetical situations. Reasons logically and can solve abstract problems
What is Formal Operations
All are involved in conflict resolution, there are a lot of discusions and children are able to negotiate. Children have a lot of freedom, but the parent will veto decisions if it does not meet their approval.
What is democratic/authoritative parenting
a concept where a childrealizes thatan ogject exists even when he or she cannot see or touch it
What is object permanence
Fouth stage of Freuds pscyhosocial development where sexual thoughts are repressed and children learn new skills and play with same gender children
What is the Latency Stage
Language development at age 5
What are complex clauses and two or more ideas in a sentence
Mental images or symbols are used to understand things so the child has representational thought. Lacks concept of conservation though
What is the Preoperational stage Piaget's cognitive development
Psychologist who studied childrent and came up with the three major parenting styles
Who is Diana Baumrind
A concept that allows a child to picture something in their mind. They have it when they develop object permanence
What is representational thought
Like Piaget this psychologist uses the cognitive approach and studied moral development using 6 stages: 2 stages in each of preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
Who is Lawrence Kohlberg