Behaviorism Constructivism and Coginitivism
Social, Moral and Humanist
Information Processing Brain Based
Learning Theories and Content Area
Pairs an unconditioned stimulus (US) with conditioned stimulus (CS) so that the typical unconditioned response (UR) eventually becomes a conditioned response
What is Classical Conditioning Theory?
This theory is based on the assumption that learning is a three-way interaction among the environment, personal factors and behavior.
What is Social Cognitive Theory?
The theory based on the assumption that short-term memory can hold only 5-9 chunks of information.
What is Information Processing Theory?
The theory that holds the principle that the student must want to learn.
What is Drive Reduction Theory?
This theory gives equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing and assumes that there are two cognitive subsystems, one specialized for imagery and the other specialized for dealing with language.
What is Dual Coding Theory?
This theory is founded on the assumption that instead of the operations of the mind, behavior should be examined because humans and animals can be conditioned.
What is Behaviorism Theory?
This theory's application for instruction is that schools should present moral dilemmas for students to discuss and work through and also offer students opportunities to participate in a democratic society.
What is Moral Reasoning Theory?
The theory based on the assumption that all forms of learning depend upon means-end readiness.
What is Theory of Purposive Behaviorism or Sign Learning Theory?
The scientist who purports that human beings' needs are arranged like a ladder with the most basic needs at the bottom. Unfulfilled needs lower on the ladder inhibit the person from climbing to the next step.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
This theory can be applied to well defined problems such as proving theorems in logic or geometry, word puzzles and chess.
What is General Problem Solver Theory?
The scientist whose work resulted in the Operant Conditioning Theory.
Who is B. F. Skinner?
This stage of Moral Reasoning Theory is when the individual is concerned with society as a whole and believes that the law should be obeyed because it is good for everyone.
What is Stage 4 - Maintaing Social Order?
The scientist who introduced Multiple Intelligences.
Who is Howard Gardner?
The concept based on the assumption that all genuine education comes through experience or name the individual who purports this notion.
What is Experience and Education? or Who is John Dewey?
This theory applies primarily to college level math, and the successful solution of math problems depends upon a combination of resource knowledge, heuristics, control processes and belief, all of which must be learned and taught.
What is Mathematical Problem Solving?
The ____ intelligence, dominant in 11-15 year olds, is thinking that involves abstractions. The individual moves beyond concrete experiences to think in abstract and more logical ways and reasons theoretically. Not all people reach this stage.
What is the Formal Operational Stage of the Cognitive Development Theory?
This stage of the Moral Reasoning Theory is when the individual believes that there is a need to look at situations through the other's eyes to solve problems.
What is Stage 6 - Universal Ethical Principals?
The intelligence that suggests that the individual has the capacity for person-to-person communications and relationships.
What is Interpersonal Intelligence?
The type of teacher who uses rewards and punishment to coerce students to comply with rules and complete required assignments.
What is the Boss Teacher?
This theory assumes that people primarily learn procedural tasks by induction, and bugs occur because of biases that are introduced in the examples provided or the feedback received during practice (as opposed to mistakes in memorizing formulas or instructions.)
What is the Repair Theory?
This theory is based on the assumption that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge in order to discover principles for themselves.
What is the Constructivism Theory?
The scientist who extended Kolberg's work on Moral Reasoning Theory to consider the different ways women approach situations.
Who is Carol Gilligan?
The model whose application for instruction is for educators to use the students' preferences to create optimal learning environment. For instance, students who like background noise when studying could be allowed to wear headphones with music, which also accomodates the preference of those who prefer silence.
What is Learning Styles Model?
Name the theory: all living creatures control their behavior to maximize their need satisfaction, so if students are not motivated to do their schoolwork, it is because they view schoolwork as irrelevant to their basic human needs.
What is Control Theory?
Once the ____ associated with a particular task are known, they can be used to improve student performance and the examples used to teach the procedure.
What are "bugs?"