Ch.16: Death & Dying
Ch.12: Work
Ch.13: Middle Adulthood
Ch.14: Personal context late life
Ch.15: Social context late life
These are the names of the two types of euthanasia (one involving withholding treatment, the other involving--for example--administering a lethal overdose).
What are ACTIVE and PASSIVE euthanasia?
This is a reaction that people have when they start work and realize that what they learned in the classroom does not always transfer directly into the "real world," and does not represent everything that a person needs to know in order to do a job.
What is reality shock?
This is the range of skills related to how individuals shape, select, or adapt to their physical and social environments. Has to do with solving EVERYDAY problems.
What is practical intelligence?
This is the amount of time that you can be expected to live a happy, meaningful, and productive life.
What is useful life expectancy?
These are the two types of government assistance programs for elderly people that are going to face major funding issues as the population gets older.
What are Social Security and Medicare?
This is an approach to assisting dying people that emphasizes pain management (palliative care) and death with dignity, rather than aggressive treatment.
What is hospice?
An example of when this might be experienced is when a person works in a factory all day doing the same task, but never gets to actually see the final product they are helping to build.
What is alienation?
A disease that is degenerative (only gets worse) and is due to injury or overuse would be considered an example of this type of disease.
What is wear-and-tear disease?
Examples of this type of memory are semantic and episodic memory.
What is explicit memory?
The group of friends and family members that follows you through life, providing companionship and support along the way.
What is a social convoy?
Out of bereavement, mourning, and grief, this is the one that primarily refers to a BEHAVIOR, and is strongly influenced by culture.
What is mourning?
A term for when women are put into high-level, executive positions, more often when a company is failing or already in financial trouble.
What is a glass cliff?
Erik Erikson would say that those who don't fulfill their need for generativity will fall into a state of this.
What is stagnation?
Having these kinds of genes does not guarantee you will get the associated disorder, but it does increase the probability that you will get it.
What are risk genes?
Erik Erikson's last stage, this is the one faced by very elderly people nearing death.
What is (ego) integrity vs. despair?
This theory of grieving explains how bereaved people can frequently seem to alternate between days where they are deeply sorrowful and other days where they function fine.
What is the Dual Process Model (DPM)?
Term for when promotional advancement is either not possible (without increasing one's skills) or is simply not sought after by the worker.
What is career plateauing?
A person who scores very high in this "Big Five" personality trait would probably NEVER be late for or miss an appointment.
What is conscientiousness?
This is the loss of hearing, especially high-pitched tones, with old age.
What is presbycusis?
Nursing homes are an example of this type of facility that provides round-the-clock, medically focused care.
What is a long-term care facility?
These are the five stages (acronym "DABDA") of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's influential theory of how people cope with their own impending death.
What are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance?
Provided by some employers, this is emergency care for dependents or adults so that the employee does not need to lose a day of work.
What is backup care?
The person who keeps the family together after the kids are grown up and moved out; usually it is the middle-aged mother.
What is a kinkeeper?
This is the protein that forms clumps in neuritic plaques, and leads to Alzheimer's Disease.
What is beta-amyloid?
If you are able to handle 12 units but you only take 9, you will be operating in this "area" or "region" (according to one theory that we learned).
What is the zone of maximum comfort?