Motor/ Sensory Development
Stage Theories
Cognitive Development
Moral Development

When touched on the cheek, a baby will turn their head to the side and seek to put the object into their mouth

What is Rooting reflex?


Babies confidently explore their environments while parents are present, are distressed when they leave, and come to parents when they return

What is secure attachment?


Babies realize their gender and causes conflict in the family.  Freud described that boys go through an Oedipus complex when boys resent their fathers relationship with their mother, and girls go through an Electra complex

What is phallic stage?


Babies start experiencing and exploring the world strictly through their senses, and their behavior is governed by the reflexes that they are born with

What is sensorimotor stage?


Kohlberg's experiment used to explain moral reasoning based on age.  Describes a man making a moral choice about whether or not to steal a drug to save his wife's life.

What is Heinz dilemma?


If an object is placed into a babys palm or foot pad, the baby will try to grasp it with their fingers or toes

What is Grasping reflex?


Babies may show extreme stress when the parents leave but resist being comforted by them when they return

What is anxious/ambivalent attachment?


1.) Trust vs mistrust

2.) Autonomy vs shame and doubt

3.) Initiative vs guilt

What are the first 3 stages of Erik Eriksons psychosocial stage theory?


Describes processes of interpreting one's new experiences in terms of one's existing schemas. 

What is assimilation?


When people focus on making the decision most likely to avoid punishment 

What is preconventional stage?


Motor skills involved in large muscle activities (walking)

What is gross motor skills?


Parents set strict standards for children and apply punishments for violation of the rules, obedient attitudes are valued more than questions and discussion

What is authoritarian parenting?


Young adults who established stable identities then must figure out how to balance their ties and efforts between work and relationships with other people

What is intimacy vs isolation?


children learn to think more logically about complex relationships between different characteristics of objects

What is concrete operations?


Stage of moral reasoning when kids can move past personal gain or loss and look at the moral choice through others' eyes

What is conventional stage?


Vision of a baby improve from almost legally blind to normal vision at this age

What is “at around 12 months”?


Parents do not set clear guidelines for their children, rules that exist are constantly changed or are not enforced, and the reactions to breaking them are unpredictable

What is permissive parenting?


Toward the end of life, we look back at out accomplishments and decide if we are satisfied with them or not

What happens in integrity and despair?


Not all of us reach this stage, abstract reasoning, we can manipulate objects and contrast ideas in our mind without physically seeing them or having real-world correlates

What is formal operations?


When a person uses self-defined ethical principles to come to a moral reason

What is postconventional stage?


Age that babies can walk, stand, and roll over at these ages

What is “Babies can roll over at about 5-1/2 months, stand at 8-9 months, and walk after about 15 months”?


Parents set consistent standards for their children but the standards are reasonable and explained, and praise as often as they punish

What is authoritative parenting?


The stage of a persons life when they seek out many new skills and actions where they will mess up and encouragement is very important

What is shame vs. doubt?


The range of tasks a child cannot yet master alone, but that can be accomplished with guidance of a partner (Lev Vygotsky)

What is zone of proximal development?


Criticism of Kohlberg's study

What is "Kohlberg developed the model based on the responses of boys"?