the ability to solve problems and to adapt to and learn from experiences
Intelligence Quotient
tests of intelligence that attempt to be free of cultural bias
culture-fair tests
The current version has five scales: cognitive, language, motor, socio-emotional, and adaptive.
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
a condition of limited mental ability in which an individual has a low IQ, usually below 70 on a traditional intelligence test, has difficulty adapting to everyday life, and first exhibits these characteristics by age 18
intellectual disability
most scores falling in the middle of the possible range of scores and few scores appearing toward the extremes of the range
normal distribution
he proposed we have three types of intelligence
Intelligence test scores have increased worldwide in a relatively short amount of time
Flynn Effect
focuses on the infants’ information-processing abilities and is correlated with measures of intelligence in older children
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence
People who are ______ have above-average intelligence (an IQ of 130 or higher) and/or superior talent for something.
created the first intelligence test
Alfred Binet
he proposed we have 8 types of intelligence
tend to view intelligence in terms of reasoning and thinking skills
Western Cultures
this version is based on the first intelligence test
the ability to think about something in novel and unusual ways and to come up with unique solutions to problems
experts continue to emphasize that high-level thinking skills involved in intelligence are linked to this part of the brain
prefrontal cortex
the ability to perceive and express emotion accurately and adaptively
emotional intelligence
see intelligence as a way for members of a community to successfully engage in social roles
Eastern Cultures
The most frequently used intelligence test
produces many different answers to the same question and is more characteristic of creativity
divergent thinking
intelligence is influenced by biology and
individual’s accumulated information and verbal skills, which continue to increase throughout the life span
crystallized intelligence
a fear that one’s behavior might confirm a negative stereotype about one’s group
stereotype threat
the “hardware” of the mind; in other words, the biology of the brain
cognitive mechanics
mastering an area earlier than their peers