(Schwab and Lew-Williams) What are three examples of how Socioeconomic status impact word learning
Children learn from CDS, less time hearing it will mean less exposure/ less learning, More labor intensive job, less time spent at home
Children learn from reading/ being read to, if a parent has less time then child will learn less
Likely the parent will have a worse education, less extensive vocabulary, exposed to less words
lower income, meaning smaller ability to go to a good preschool
In Piaget’s theory on moral development, do children in stage 1 believe that the ‘punishment should fit the crime’ (considering intention and consequence)? If not, what do they think instead?
No, they do not take intention into consideration, and thus the punishment is entirely based on the consequence of a child’s action
What is the difference between children whose parents praise effort versus accomplishment?
Child who gets praised for effort will have a growth mindset, meaning they will strive to get better and rise from failure and seek criticism, vs the child who gets praised for accomplishment will have a fixed mindset, meaning they will fear failure and shrink from a challenge, and crumble under criticism.
What are secondary emotions and what are three examples of them?
Emotions that are related to our sense of self and our consciousness of others reactions, developed in second year.
Examples: embarrassment, guilt, shame, pride, jealousy, empathy
Saffran hypothesized that infants use statistics to identify words in longer strings of speech, to what extent is this true and how do they truly learn to identify words?
Through a head turn procedure where the independent variable was the word type that the infant heard/not heard in the task and the dependent variable was the amount of time spent looking/ listening, they found that infants listened longer to the unfamiliar words and learned more from experience dependent cues than previously assumed.
What is the general idea of Haidt’s intuitionist theory? (related to the five moral foundations)
Judgments are caused by quick moral intuitions often based on emotions. These ‘gut feelings’ get reasoned after.
Parents who are able to be sensitive to needs, able to adjust to moods, accept their child in hard times, and who are frequently available are often able to foster what type of attachment?
Secure attachment
What does the basic emotions theory suggest?
Emotions are innate, universal, and easily recognized by stereotyped facial expressions
Lansford tested to see if the level of normalcy in a culture towards physical discipline would affect a child’s baseline anger and anxiety levels, what is an example of a strength in the study and a limitation?
Strength( large range of age in mothers, large variety in cultures/ countries, everyone was of similar SES, they had careful questioning to avoid bias, looks at child and parent’s reports)
Limitation (different religious backgrounds which impact what is normal, some confounding variables like laws, norms, culture, looks at association not causation)
What are Haidt’s five moral foundations
1) care/harm
2) fairness/cheating
3) loyalty/betrayal
4) authority/subversion
5) sanctity/ degradation
What are three of the four main styles of parenting according to Diana Baumrind (one was added later by Eleanor Maccoby)?
Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved / neglectful
What are the six basic emotions? (name at least 5)
Disgust, fear, sadness, anger, surprise, happiness (joy)
Pollak et al. examined the effects of early emotional experiences (physically abused children vs. non-abused children) on children’s regulation or strategic control of attention in the presence of interpersonal hostility (anger). What was measured to determine children’s attentional orienting and children’s emotional arousal? (physiological measures)
HR declaration and Skin conductance level (SCL) change
According to Kolberg there are 6 stages of Moral development. What are the three levels of moral reasoning (each with two substages)?
Preconventional, conventional, postconventional
Name three sources of variation in parenting styles
Quality of marriage, Parent personality, Parent mental health, Parents’ own experiences as children, Parent genetics, Children themselves, SES, Culture
What part of the brain is responsible for controlling human emotions and motivation?
The limbic system