Life-Span Perspective Main Tenets
Major Theories and Theorists in Human Development
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Development
Research and Prospective Studies
Careers in Development
Development consists of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional dimensions. This is an example of what characteristic of the life-span perspective?
What is development is multidimensional?
What major theories describe development as primarily unconcious and heavily colored by emotion?
What are Psychoanalytic Theories?
_ and _ _ theories emphasize the importance of environmental experiences in human development.
What are Behavioral and Social Cognitive theories?
Correlation does NOT equal _.
What is causation?
_ _ seek to help people with psychological problems. They have either a Ph.D. or a Psy.D. degree.
What is a Clinical Psychologist?
Development has _ , which means the capacity for change.
What is Plasticity?
What major theory states that children actively construct their understanding of the world and go through four stages of cognitive development?
What is Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory?
Two theories that both share an emphasis on the biological aspects of human development are _ theory and _ _.
What is Ethological Theory and Evolutionary Psychology?
What type of research design aims to observe and record behavior?
What is Descriptive Research?
_ _ provide counseling to individuals with drug-abuse problems. At a minimum, they complete an associate's or certificate program.
What are Drug Counselors?
Development is a co-construction of _, cultural, and _ factors working together.
What is biological, what is individual?
What major theory emphasizes how culture and social interaction guide cognitive development?
What is Vygotsky's Sociocultural Cognitive Theory?
An _ _ _ does not follow any one theoretical approach, but rather selects from each theory whatever is considered its best features.
What is Eclectic Theoretical Orientation?
In _ _, the goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics.
What is Correlational Research?
An _/_ prescribes prenatal and postnatal care, performs deliveries in maternity cases, and treats diseases and injuries of the female reproductive system.
What is Obstetrician/Gynecologist?
All development occurs within a context. Pregnancy in early adolescence would be an example of a _ _ _.
What is a nonnormative life event?
According to Skinner, through _ _ the consequences of a behavior produce changes in the probability of the behavior's occurrence.
What is operant conditioning?
Observing behavior in real-world settings, with no effort to manipulate or control the situation, is called what kind of observation?
What is Naturalistic Observation?
What is a research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at one time?
What is the Cross-Sectional Approach?
_ _ deliver care to newborn infants. They may work with infants born under normal circumstances or premature and critically ill neonates.
What are Neonatal Nurses?
During late adulthood, older adults might become wiser by being able to call on experience to guide their intellectual decision making, but they perform more poorly on tasks that require speed in processing information. Which characteristic of the life-span perspective is this an example of?
What is development is multidirectional?
Rapid, innate learning within a limited critical period of time that involves attachment to the first moving object seen is a process called _ and was discovered by _ _.
What is imprinting, Who is Konrad Lorenz?
What is a research strategy in which the same individuals are studied over a period of time, usually several years or more?
What is the Longitudinal Approach?
In life-span development research, _ _ are due to a person's time of birth, era, or generation but not to actual age.
What are Cohort Effects?
_ and _ therapists work on the principle that many individuals who have psychological problems benefit when psychotherapy is provided in the context of a marital or family relationship.
What is Marriage, What is Family?