Box Legendaries
Dealers Choice

If you are alive, the flame on the tip of the tail will burn brightly even if you scratch it gently.


Pokemon Crystal: "If it's healthy, the flame on the tip of its tail will burn vigorously, even if it gets a bit wet." 


He wears a blanket made of animal bones to avoid being scared. But this suit is more dangerous.


Pokemon Sword: "It wears a rag fashioned into a Pikachu costume in an effort to look less scary. Unfortunately, the costume only makes it creepier." 


Cells contain molecules such as water. They live in the ocean and are generally slow.


Pokemon Sun: Its cells are composed of units much like water molecules. It lives close to water and is often mistaken for a mermaid.


The creatures in this story can set the world on fire. It is useful for those who want to build a real world.


Pokemon Black2: "This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with fire. It helps those who want to build a world of truth." 


Instead, the fruit secretes oil to protect itself from predators. This sour cream is bitter, rancid, and irritating to the respiratory system.


Pokemon Scarlet: 
"It protects itself from enemies by emitting oil from the fruit on its head. This oil is bitter and astringent enough to make someone flinch." 


I cry when I'm scared. Your tears have the same chemical effect as 100 light bulbs and can stop an attacker from crying.


Pokemon Sword: "When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers won’t be able to resist weeping."


But hunger stopped his resistance and the light was darkened by the light.

Morpeko (Hangry Mode)

Pokemon Sword: "Intense hunger drives it to extremes of violence, and the electricity in its cheek sacs has converted into a Dark-type energy." 


Covered in darkness, his body began to burn, scaring those around him.


Pokemon FireRed: "When darkness falls, the rings on its body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby."


History tells us that life is not over. May the tree flourish for a thousand years.


Pokemon X: "Legends say it can share eternal life. It slept for a thousand years in the form of a tree before its revival." 


Birds change shape when they sing. It is said that the soul of this bird is born in the oven. 


Pokemon Scarlet:The fiery bird changes shape when Skeledirge sings. Rumor has it that the bird was born when the fireball on Skeledirge’s head gained a soul. 


Poor pedestrians often fall. But due to his arrogance, he inadvertently expressed his point of view.


Pokemon White: "A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care." 


At a university conference, it was found that hand electrification improves blood circulation and increases life expectancy.

Pokemon Emerald: "At a meeting of POKéMON academics, it was announced that simultaneous exposure to electricity from a PLUSLE and MINUN will promote circulation and boost vitality."


The story is about a beautiful animal that is attacked by a wild lion.


Pokemon Shield: "There’s a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokémon."


They say they live in a different world than us. You can find it in the archive from the old dead.


Pokemon Pearl: "A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. " 


Fly into the sky looking for powerful enemies. The fire was so hot that something exploded. However, you should not try to fight a weak enemy.

Shredderclaw but bigger

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire: "Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents. It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything. However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponent weaker than itself." 


Calm, composed and serene. Never escape from anything. Seeing him, the great enemy immediately fled without blinking an eye.


Pokemon Sapphire: "Treecko is cool, calm, and collected—it never panics under any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this Pokémon, it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground."


But even though it is small, it can be dangerous for adults. This in itself is surprising.


Pokemon Silver: "Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself."


Over time, it is difficult to notice even the slightest change in its skin, so it is constantly looking for enemies.


Pokemon Black2: "Its fur is so sensitive, it can feel minute shifts in the air and predict the weather...and its foes’ thoughts."


Collect bonuses from clean sources. They swim well around the world. Their mission is to eliminate waste.


Pokemon Omega Ruby: "Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has the power to purify dirty water."


They poured snow on the ground. I love soft, fresh snow and climbing mountains to get to the top. 


Pokemon Scarlet: 
"It eats snow that has accumulated on the ground. It prefers soft, freshly fallen snow, so it will eat its way up a mountain, aiming for the peak." 


Hit the enemy with your sword. However, this plant is also a sign of friendship with warriors.


Pokemon Emerald: "It waves its leaf around to keep foes at bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf, creating a friendly atmosphere that becalms the battlers."


This causes hair breakage with electricity. It is inserted into the fruit hole.


Pokemon Diamond: It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes. 


Pay attention until you can completely remove the hair like a pin again.


Pokemon Pearl: "As a protective technique, it can completely freeze its fur to make its hairs stand like needles." 


The king of birds and the crow mentioned in ancient travel stories are said to tear the earth.


Pokemon Scarlet: "This seems to be the Winged King mentioned in an old expedition journal. It was said to have split the land with its bare fists." 


Everyone saw it. When something happens, it depends on who you are with. That's why sometimes it can't be done.


Ultra Moon: "It transforms into whatever it sees. If the thing it’s transforming into isn’t right in front of it, Ditto relies on its memory—so sometimes it fails."