Medical & Vet
Communication Settings
Free For All

Previously recommended/declined services offered by the shop, but not accepted by the consumer at the current visit.

What is Shop Recommendations?


Message to bring patients back to the business (only for Healthcare verticals)

What is Automated Recall?



♦Reason for the call (Explanation/Teach-back/Inquiry/Configuration):

♦Change in Settings:

♦Example of Issue (Patient/Appointment):

♦Research/Troubleshooting Steps (please include screenshots of all error messages):




What is the Tier 1 Case Template?


What is the difference between a calendar day and a business day?

Calendar day is any day of the week, but business day refers to days the business is open (as provided by Demandforce business hours).

What communication has the following rules?
  • Current limit 1,000/day
  • Sent to each unique email address within an account.
  • Consumer will not receive welcome email if they are scheduled to receive another email OR if the consumer file had already received another email.
  • Sent around 1AM Pacific time.

What is Welcome communication?


Demandforce receives suggestions for a vehicle's Maintenance Reminders from this database.

What is Mitchell Database?


What does the “Active” status refer to in Vet Recommendations?

 ”Active” in the Status column means the service has not been completed



Problem Description: 

Related Issue?: 


Customer Name:
Customer Id:
Cell Phone: (If it is a text issue)
Twilio SID: (If it is a text issue)
Long Code OR Short Code used: (If it is a text issue)
Email: (If it is an email issue)
Appointment Date/Time:
Appointment ID:
Vehicle Name:
Vehicle ID:
Pet Name:
Pet ID:
Postcard ID: 



Research/Troubleshooting I Did & Steps To Reproduce:

1. Looked at (Campaigns Tab/Communications History/Upload History etc.) which showed ___. [include any relevant dates/times/IDs/etc.]
2. *IF Applicable* Tools Used (Logmein/Sendgrid/Twilio/Admin2, etc.) which helped to/showed us ___.
3. *IF Applicable* Environment (Browser Name/Version,Mgmt System Name/Version,Windows/Mac O/S Version).


URL of Attached Screenshots:

1. {what is this showing?}

2. {what is this showing?}

3. {what is this showing?}

4. {what is this showing?}

5. {what is this showing?}


What is the Product Escalation template?


Where in the portal would you create custom reminder plans for specific procedures or services?

Appointments> Appointment Reminder Settings> Custom Plan


In this secure portal, patients can easily access and manage all communication to and from their provider. Patients can request a future appointment, view their upcoming scheduled appointments, and complete online forms requested by their doctor.

What is Patient Portal?


Henry comes in today for an oil change, but declines the shop's suggestion to rotate his tires.

1.How long after today's visit will he receive his first shop recommendation to rotate his tires?

2.How long afterward will it take for his second and third?

45 days for the first communication and 30 days after for the next 2 communications.


Sent for pets with recommendations (services/vaccinations) due at a certain time, designated by the business

What is Vet Reminders?



What was the reason for the escalation? (Root cause…be as specific as possible)

What information has already been relayed to the customer?

What expectations, if any, were set during the call?

Customer's name, email, contact number and best time to reach them:

(Insert Initials)

What is the Manager Call template?


What is the difference between the Hotlist and a One-Off message?

Hotlist is used to fill appointments when last minute openings are available. One-Off is a one-time message for any usage


Dale has an appointment at 2:45 pm on June 12. The delivery time for the confirmation reminder is set for 4 calendar days before the appointment. What day and time will Demandforce trigger the confirmation reminder email?

June 8 at 2pm.


In an Auto portal, under Oil Type Services, what 3 factors determine when an Oil Change reminder is sent?

mileage, months, service code/description


1.Sent to consumer to notify them to pickup their eyewear order.

2.Email sent for feedback on new glasses or contacts Includes a highlighted Referral link.

1.What is Eyewear Ready?

2.What is Eyewear Follow-Up?



Point of Contact: [Case Contact From SFDC]
Phone Number:  [Best number to Call POC]
Server:  [Name of Database Server]
If necessary, can we reboot/logout of MGMT System?:  [When?]
Management System & Version:  [Verified with Customer]
Demandforce Credentials:  [Yes/No?] (Notepad or LogMeIn Chat)
Management System Credentials:  [Yes/No?] (Notepad or LogMeIn Chat)

Administrator Rights: [Yes/No?] (Notepad or LogMeIn Chat)

Customer Name: [Patient, Client, Customer name etc]
Appointment Details:  [Date of Original Appt]
Appointment from XML:  [XML Screenshot]
*Copy for Additional Examples*

Troubleshooting Notes:  [What did you do/What parts of the hotfix were ran?]

Screenshots [Prove it's a sync issue]


What is the 2-Way Sync Issue template?


Dr. Dre’s Dental office sends out confirmation texts and emails 2 business days prior to the appointment. His office is open every day except for Wednesday and Thursday. 

When do Friday afternoon appointments get confirmation reminders?

Monday afternoon


How long does a business have to close out transactions to avoid patients from receiving the missed appointment campaign email?

3 days, including the day of the visit.


A customer made an appointment request at Hot Wheels Automotive.

The customer received a confirmation for her request, but the shop doesn’t see a request to be managed in the Incoming Appointments section of the dashboard. 

What happened?

In Settings> Business Hours> Auto confirm is ON


Sandra’s last visit was June 1, 2017. Based on the screenshot:

  1. When and how will Sandra receive recall communications if her doctor forgot to put in a due date?

  2. When will Sandra receive her first and second recall communication if her doctor put in a due date of September 1, 2017?

  1. Without a recall due date in the MS, Demandforce will default to a due date of 12 months after her last visit, or June 1, 2018. Sandra will receive email and text recall communications on May 18.

  2. With a due date of September 1, Sandra will receive the following:

    1. Email and text on August 18 (2 weeks before)

    2. Email and text on Sept 8 (1 week after)



a. What is the main reason for the cancellation? If feature, describe which feature is missing or how it could be different.

b. If switching to a new service, what is the name of that service? 

c. Do they need us to disable all Demandforce services?

d. Would they like to speak to an account manager?


What is the Cancellation template?


Aimee has 3 appointments at the salon. She has a haircut at 10:30, color at 11:30, and a blow dry at 1. 

Will all 3 appointments display on her reminders?

Email 10:30/(can show all), Text confirmation 10:30, day of reminder 10:30


1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd

What are the export dates for postcards?