These skills are to survive crisis situations without making them worse
What are distress tolerance skills?
Replace Suffering and Being “Stuck”
with Ordinary Pain and the Possibility of Moving Forward
What is to accept reality?
The T in STOP skill
What is to take a step back?
The P in STOP skill
What is to Proceed mindfully?
Use this skill when you need to decide between two courses of action
What is PROS and CONS?
These skills change your body Chemistry
What are TIPP skills?
Cold Water can work wonders
What is TIP the temperature?
Breath in 5 seconds, breath out 7 seconds
What is paced breathing?
Tighten your muscles and release
What is paired muscle relaxation?
Expend your body's physical energy
What is intense exercise?
These skills are used to Distract yourself
What are Wise mind ACCEPTS?
The two C's in the acronym for distract skills stand for...
What is to contributing and comparison?
Relax using your five senses
What are Self-soothing skills?
This meditation focuses on your body
What is a body scan meditation?
Prayer, relaxation, and vacation are all part of...
What are IMPROVE the moment skills?
Accept what you cannot change, wholeheartedly
What is radical acceptance?
Facing a fork in the road
What is turning the mind?
Doing just what is needed
What is willingness?
Mona Lisa :)
What is half smile?
Observe your thoughts and adopt a curious mind
What is mindfulness of thoughts?
Minimize harm and get back to abstinence
What is dialectical abstinence?
The synthesis between addict mind and clean mind
BONUS: The core skill of DBT
What is mindfulness?
BONUS: A skill we have all used during the pandemic
What is radical acceptance?
BONUS: Making effective decisions despite feeling emotional
What is wise mind?