You should be using this tool to confirm Medicaid coverage.
What is RTE, Real-Time Eligibility Tool
These can only be booked once every 366 days.
What is a Annual Wellness visit ? PE
Number of Facilities that offers Dermatology
What is 10
This section is used to find Start-Up Quick Links
What is Agent resources?
What is MRAA fax number
Refer these members to their Medicaid health plan to find another PCP.
What are members over 18.
This type of Doctor provides care for all age groups.
What is a Family Practice Doctor
This visit type requires a $50.00 consult fee.
What is Cosmetic Dermatology?
Angela Head can be found listed here.
Who is Supervisor on Call
These forms can not requested from MRAA if member has not PE with-in a year.
What is 3231(immunization) and 3300 (hearing &vision)
Amerigroup, Care source, Peachstate.
What are acceptable Medicaid plans?
These can not be booked if member is Out of State.
What is a Virtual Visit?
This visit can now be scheduled by ASCC agents.
What is Allergy patch test
KP Ethics & Compliance Hotline is found here
What is Contact center policies?
Transfer to MRAA if member needs a death certificate.
What is false?
New mothers with Medicaid can now use this to create MRN and book their Newborn an appointment
What is the "Believe Me" policy
These are only available to the age group 65 and older.
What is a TAV?
Members with Cyst/Lipoma/Lump bigger than pea size should be scheduled in this department.
What is General Surgery?
This tool can be found on the main used just as easy as google.
What is the search bar?
Do this to obtain Handicap parking permit
What is schedule an OVR with PCP?
These people are not accepted with Medicaid coverage.
What are adults?
This per is the Chief of Adult Medicine & Family Practice
Who is Carl JW Czuboka, MD
You use this tab to book Botox and ear lobe repairs
What is Active request tab?
This KP Health connect security feature was last updated on June 19, 2022
What is "Break The Glass"
Member's should allow this timeframe before completion of all MRAA request.
What is 10 business days.