What is the 3rd day of the week?
What month are we currently in?
What is the name of the season where it snows?
Lana had 4 chocolates. She then ate 2. How many pieces of chocolate does Lana have left?
4-2= 2
Use mouthwash, brush your teeth and floss 2 times a day
What day comes after Friday?
What are the first 3 months of the year?
January, February, March
In what season do the leaves begin to change color?
Bobby has 5 red fish and 4 yellow fish. How many fish does Bobby have all together?
5 + 4 = 9
In order to prevent yourself from choking on your food you must do what?
Eat slowly and not talk with your mouth full
What are the last 2 days of the week?
Thursday and Friday
What months comes before and after April?
March and May
beach ball
flip flops
In what season of the year would you need these items?
Michele sees 12 snowmen on Monday. By tuesday Michele noticed 3 snowmen have melted :(. How many snowmen are left?
12 - 3 = 9
Your money should be inside your wallet, in your pocket or purse.
What day comes before Tuesday?
Put these months in order from the end of the year to beginning
December, September, April
March, April, and May occur during what season of the year?
Rochelle is getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah! She needs 9 candles to lit her manorah. She realizes she only has 3 candles. How many more candles does Rochelle need?
9-3 = 6
What should you do before crossing the street?
Look both way, and pay attention to the sign that says "WALK"
What 3 days come after Sunday?
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Put these months in order:
from first to last
February, May, August
Based the trees on the seasons:
If the tree is full and green it is....?
If the tree has orange and red leaves it is...?
If the tree has some blossoms it is...?
If the tree has no leaves and has snow on the branches it is ...?
Summer, fall, spring, winter
Princess Amy decides she wants to buy a warm cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows because it's so cold outside. Her cocoa cost $4.25. Princess Amy pays $5. Does she get any change back? If so, how much?
0.75 cents
Princess Amy needs help making a PB & J sandwich. Describe the steps to Princess Amy so she can make one for herself.
Step 1: Get 2 slices of bread
Step 2: Open peanut butter
Step 3: Spread peanut butter
Step 4: Put lid back on
Step 5: Open Jelly.
Step 6: Spread Jelly on bread
Step 7: put lid back on jelly
Step 8: put sandwich together