What is the name of the worlds largest talking cow?
Who is Chatte Bell
WREA determines eligibility for Clark County residents applying for public assistance programs. What does WREA stand for:
What is Western Region for Economic Assistance?
How many jails has Clark County had?
What is 3?
This city in Clark County is the county seat.
What is Neillsville?
WCA is an association assembled for the purpose of serving and representing counties. What does WCA stand for:
What is Wisconsin Counties Association?
Name all of the Units/Teams within Social Services:
What are:
- Administrative Team, Children & Families, Economic Support, Access, APS
How many County Circuit Court courtrooms are there?
What is 2?
There are six (6) adjacent counties to Clark County. Name four (4).
What are:
This employee has worked for Social Services for __ years?
Who is ___?
On what days is the Clark County Jail Museum open for public tours?
What is Sunday?
Who is Clark County Named after?
Who is George Rogers Clark?
WHEAP provides assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations. WHEAP stands for:
What is Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program?
Social Services currently employs this number of individuals.
What is employees?
How many stories is the 2nd Clark County Jail?
What is 5?
What was the first township in Clark County?
What was Pine Valley township?
eWiSACWIS is a comprehensive, automated case management tool that supports child welfare practice. eWiSACWIS stands for:
What is Wisconsin Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System?
These staff members are bilingual in Spanish?
Who is Ginger Kauth &
The Clark County Board currently has () members which represent Social Services? Name four:
Who is:
What Judicial District does the Courthouse house?
What is the 7th (judicial district)