This is the proper amount of voltage that should be found in a CAN Hi and CAN Lo circuit
What is 5 Volts
This is the typical amount of voltage that is used for Sensor Data to be sent to a Control Module
What is 5 Volts?
This component has been known to clog with Soot and is professionally known as the Hydrcarbon Doser Module.
What is the 7th Injector
This term is used to describe a Reefer trailer capable of creating more than one "Zone" of temperatures within the cargo area
What is a Multi-Temp Reefer system
These 2 strokes are possible stages in the 4 stroke process when a piston reaches Top Dead Center
This component is responsible for eliminating repeat messages and Echoes in a CAN Bus communication system
What is a Terminating Resistor
This type of Sensor uses 2 wires only and get's its ground by the component it is threaded onto
What is a Temperature Sensor
This procedure is to be done to convert Soot to a smaller ash concentration to revive the life of the Diesel Particulate filter for prolonged use
What is a Regeneration?
This is the term used to describe the desired temperature requested for inside the Cargo area to be at.
What is a Set-point
These 2 sensors are used to determine the injector firing order while Cold Cranking a Diesel Engine
What are Cam/Crank position sensors
While more than one control module is operating on outdated software, this type of failure is what could happen
What is an Incompatible Software Fault
This type of Sensor Creates it's own voltage by use of Magnetic Induction.
What is a Speed/Position Sensor
This is the proper amount of Urea concentration that should be found in clean DEF
What is 32.5%
This type of Operator Failure conditions result in a Reefer trailer unable to maintain it's temperature
What is Side Skin/Corner Cap Damages
This type of fluid should NOT be used while attempting to fire a diesel engine
What is Starting Fluid/Ether
This problematic symptom could cause static to form in audio speakers as well as miscommunication failures within a CAN Bus System
What is Interference
This type of Sensor utilizes a 3 wire harness connector and is found in the engine, fuel system, exhaust aftertreatment systems, and fuel/def tanks
What is a Pressure System
During Regeneration, a Nox Sensor will report back as this Status to enable the technician to know that the sensor is ready to report accurately
What is Dew Point Enabled
This procedure is to be done during Fuel Filter replacement on a Reefer engine that requires pumping
What is Fuel Priming
This component failure was common among Cummins ISX engine platforms which resulting in Coolant going to the exhaust system
What is an EGR Cooler
This CAN Bus configuration allows for a Central Gateway module to be connected at it's center which then spreads to each individual control module
What is a Star Point CAN Configuration
In a 5 volt system, when a sensor reports 0 volts or full 5 Volts, this will illuminate
What is a Check Engine Light
In the event of Diesel Fuel contamination within a DEF system, these components are to be replaced
What is "EVERYTHING"??
This type of reefer engine failure will cause fault codes to display on the control module and will prevent the Diesel engine from running
What is a Low Oil Condition Fault
This is the number of DEF Doser valves found in a new International S13 aftertreatment system
What is 2?