Which meal of the day is the most important with diabetes?
What is breakfast?
What is a nerve damage from diabetes called?
The Beta cells,that produces insulin, are located here in the pancreas.
Islets of Langerhans?
abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood
Eye insight, Glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy
What are some examples of eye complication?
Acanthosis Nigerians, Diabetic dermopathy, allergic reaction
What are some type of skin complication?
Extreme thirst and hunger, frequent urination, rapid weight loss, extreme weakness and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, irritability
What are some warning signs for type 1?
High level of blood glucose makes the kidneys filter too much blood. After many years, they start to leak and useful protein is lost in the urine.
How can diabetes cause kidney disease?
pancreas produces little to no insulin
type 1
Rapid wight loss, irritability, skin infection, dry, itchy skin, blurred vision
What are some warning signs for type 2?
neuropathy,skin changes, calluses,foot ulcers, poor circulation, amputation
What are some foot complication?