Diabetes 101
Diabetes 102
Diabetes 103
Diabetes 104
Diabetes 105
A multi-system disease that involves insufficient insulin production, utilization, or both
What is diabetes?

The most common type of diabetes is known as:

Type 2 diabetes


These three findings on assessment are known as the 3 P's and are seen with diabetes (especially type 1)...

A - Polydipsia, polyuria, & polyphagia

B - Polydipsia, polyuria, & polypandora

C - Pancakes, polyuria, & polyphagia

D - Polydipsia, pollywannacracka, & polyphagia


The four major metabolic abnormalities that are noted with type 2 diabetes include (name one):

A - insulin resistance, decreased ability to produce insulin, inappropriate glucose production by the liver, & alteration in the production of hormones by adipose tissue.

B  insulin resistance, decreased ability to produce insulin, inappropriate glucose production by the liver, & acidic damage to adipose tissue


The method for drawing up insulin when mixing NPH and Regular insulins.

A - air in NPH, air in Regular; then draw up Regular, draw up NPH

B - air in NPH, draw up Regular; then air in Regular, draw up NPH

C - Draw up NPH, air in Regular; then draw up Regular, air in NPH

D - Draw up NPH, draw up Regular; air in Regular, air in NPH


The ethnic group at greatest risk for diabetes

A - African Americans

B - Native Americans

C - Wallisian peoples

D - Kanak peoples


This type of diabetes is related to another medical treatment or condition:

A - Secondary diabetes 

B - Bonus diabetes

C - Extra diabetes

D - Side effect diabetes


This is a life-threatening condition with diabetes when there is insufficient insulin in the body which leads to metabolic acidosis. It commonly is triggered by illness.

A - Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)

B - Diabetic coma

C - Diabetic Ketoaomnipotussis (DKAP)

D - Diabetic Martinosis (DMZ)


This body shape increases one's risk for the development of type 2 diabetes...

A - apple shape or central/trunk obesity

B - pear shape or middle/waist obesity

C - carrot shape or upper obesity

D - durian shape or lower obesity


Clients that take regular insulin should schedule administration how many minutes before the meal?

A - 60 minutes before eating

B - 45 minutes before eating

C - 30 minutes before eating

D - 15 minutes before eating


Type 1 diabetes is also called this because of the most common time in one's life when onset occurs.

A - infantile diabetes

B - adolescent diabetes

C - juvenile diabetes

D - elderly diabetes


The B cells that produce insulin are located HERE in the pancreas...

A - The Gland of Langerhans

B - The Islets of Langerhans

C - The Goblets of Langerhans

D - the Eye-lids of Langerhans

This phase is seen after diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes and is a time when little insulin is needed:
What is the "honeymoon phase"?

This lab test reflects glucose levels over a period of 3-4 months.

A - What is Hgb 1Ac

B - What is HgB C1a

C - What is Hgb A1c?

D What is ABC Hgb


When exercising, a diabetic patient should eat a meal or have this type of food one hour before the work-out.

A - ANY 15g carbohydrate snack

B - a large poutine

C - a small piece of fruit

D - a bag of chips


This form of diabetes is seen only during pregnancy.

A - Gestational diabetes

B - Knocked up diabetes

C - Preggers diabetes

D - incubational diabetes


An example of a counter-regulatory hormone in relation to insulin would be...

A - Glycogen, Epinephrine, or Cortisol

B - Estrogen

C - Testosterone

D - Glucogon, Epinephrine, Growth hormone, or Cortisol

This type of diabetes has a gradual onset and might go undiagnosed for years.
What is type 2 diabetes?

This is the lab test done when the patient has not fasted but diabetes is suspected by presenting s/s at the medical facility.

A - Random glucose (>200 + s/s = diagnosis)

B - Lucky glucose (>200 + s/s = diagnosis)

C- Haphazard glucose (>200 + s/s = diagnosis)

D - Gary glucose (>200 + s/s = diagnosis)


This is how often most type 1 diabetics are told to assess their finger stick blood sugar at home on a regular basis.

A - Once a day

B - Twice a day

C - Three times a day

D - 4 times per day


The three things that researchers believe to be linked to the development of diabetes include:

A - Genetics

B - Environmental exposures  (including viruses or obesity)

C - Auto-immune issues

D - Genetics, auto-immune issues, and environmental exposures (including viruses or obesity)

Type 1 diabetes has this kind of onset:
What is rapid/fast?

Manifestations of type 2 diabetes include:

A - fatigue, recurrent infections, prolonged wound healing, & visual changes

B - lots of energy, no more infections, quick wound healing, & visual improvement

C - fatigue, recurrent infections, prolonged wound healing, & auditory changes

D - constant hunger, weight loss, sleep deprivation, chronic itchiness


This "plate method" nutritional instruction says that every meal can include these two item:

A - a cup of non-fat milk and a small piece of fruit

B - a cup of soup and a vegetable

C - a few French fries and some ham

D - a cup of maple syrup and some bacon


This is the acronym that is useful in remembering the s/s of hypoglycemia (must know acronym and what each letter stands for)

A - TIRED -Tremors/tachycardia -Irritability -Restless -Excessive hunger -Diaphoresis

B - LAZY -Loss of Appetite -Zzzz's for sleepiness -Yawn so tired

C - BOING -Blood Sugar low -Obesity -Insulin resistance -No drug addiction - Glucose high