Nutrition & Diabetes
Lifestyle & Diabetes
Our Body
General Information

What is the best thing to drink if you have diabetes?

What is "water"


Which food will  make your blood sugars go up faster?

a) A diet pop

b) 2% milk

c) bread

d) Crystal drink powders

What is "d" Crystal drink powders as they contain straight sugars and chemicals that will make the blood sugars rise within 5 minutes


How many hours should you cut off caffeine before going to bed?

6-8 hours.


What is the name of the part of our body that makes insulin?

What is the "pancreas"


How many spoons of sugar are in one medium slushy drink?

a) 10 teaspoons

b) 12 teaspoons

c) 23 teaspoons

d) 31 teaspoons

What is "c" 23 teaspoons


This portion of your plate should contain whole grains.

What is 1/4


What is the name of the sugar that is found in our blood that our food turns into before going into our blood?

What is "glucose"


True or False

Getting a good rest at night helps in managing your blood sugar levels better.

What is "true"


What is the part of the body that turns any extra glucose (sugar) in our blood that we don't need into fat, where it is stored as 'belly' or 'abdominal' fat?

What is the "liver"


Which is a healthier snack to eat that will not make blood sugars rise?

a) cheese

b) bag of chips

c) chocolate bar

d) bag of peanuts 

What is "d"- bag of peanuts?

These contain mostly protein that will not make blood sugars rise as fast and give you other nutrients your body needs


Name two non starchy vegatables?

What are carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc...


Which fruit is the worst one for someone with diabetes to eat as it will make their blood sugars go up fast after they eat it?

a) apple

b) pineapple

c) raspberries

d) orange

e) watermelon

What is "watermelon" as it turns into glucose (sugar) the fastest and will make blood sugars rise fast


Which of the following can make your blood sugars go up?

a) over sleeping

b) watching a horror movie or fear

c) watching a comedy show or laughing

d) praying or out fishing

What is "c" - watching a horror movie or something that is scary can stress your body that can cause blood sugars in some to go up


What is the number one cause of Type 2 diabetes in America?

a) Insulin resistance

b) Eating too much candy

c) Drinking too much water

d) Watching too much TV

What is "a" insulin resistance

This is when we gain weight in our belly area and the fat does not let insulin do its job in getting the glucose (sugar) out of the blood


True or False. To eat healthier, choose foods high in fiber as this will make blood sugars not rise as fast in the blood after eating the foods.

What is "true"


What is the name of the healthy fat found in the oily types of fish like trout, whitefish, salmon and sardines that help our heart, liver and brain work better.

a) saturated animal fat

b) lard

c) omega-3 fats

d) shortening or 'trans' fat

What is "c"- omega-3 fats


How many teaspoons are there in a regular can of soda on average?

a) 5-6 teaspoons

b) 8-10 teaspoons

c) 10 - 12 teaspoons

d) 17 teaspoons

What is "c" 10 - 12 teaspoons


How many minutes per day should an adult be active at the minimum?

a) 30 minutes a day

b) 60 minutes a day (1 hour)

c) 120 minutes (2 hours)

c) 150 minutes a day (2 1/2 hours)

What is "b"

It is recommended that adults be active 30 minutes per day.


This hormone, produced by the pancreas, helps regulate blood sugar levels and is deficient or ineffective in diabetes.

What is insulin


What is the most common type of diabetes?

a) Type 1

b) Type 2

c) Gestational Diabetes

d) none of the above

What is "b"- type 2 diabetes


True or False, smoothies are not healthy for prediabetic people.

What is false.


Which foods will not make the blood sugar rise as fast?

a) Foods with fiber in them

b) foods with seeds in them

c) nuts

d) all of the above

What is "d" all of the above?


Between ages 12 - 26 is when the brain is developing. Which of the following can damage your brain cells if you start to use in your teens that can lead to mental health problems for many later in life.

a) marijuana

b) alcohol

c) crystal meth

d) mixing alcohol with energy drinks

e) all of the above

What is "e" - all of the above

Using marijuana and other drugs early in life has been shown to develop serious mental health problems like schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.


What is a sign of diabetes that you need to watch for?

a) being thirsty a lot more than usual

b) getting up in the night to go to the washroom a lot

c) cuts and sores will not heal fast

d) tired all the time- feels like no energy

e) all of the above

What is "e" - all of the above

These are all signs or symptoms you may have diabetes and need to get checked


List 2 healthier snacks for someone with diabetes that will not make the blood sugars rise fast

Anything with protein in it will not make blood sugars rise (foods from the Meat and alternative group)

e.g. egg, fish, cheese, meat, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, beef jerky, etc.