The father of modern psychology and a pioneer in psychoanalysis, he is famous for theorizing the idea of the unconscious mind (id, ego, superego)
Sigmund Freud
Psychology can be defined as the study of …
Behavior / mental processes
Those with a high degree of this will recognize that obstacles are part of life and take them in stride. Those who have less of this may believe the world is set against them and feel defeated or prevented from completing their task (Clough & Strycharczyk, 2015).
A gesture against racism, popularized by Colin Kaepernick when the national anthem of the US was played in one NFL game
Taking the knee
Ivan Pavlov is best known for classical conditioning, where we can associate two previously unrelated things and think they must be connected. Which animal did he perform his experiments to?
A psychological idea vital for performance success in training and competition (Gucciardi, Peeling, Ducker, & Dawson, 2016).
Mental toughness
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf was one of the first examples of athletes who used the national anthem as a vehicle of protest; he called it a symbol of oppression. What do you think is the faith he is practicing?
BF Skinner is known for the idea of operant conditioning, demonstrating how our environment can influence behaviour and learning. He believed that actions are influenced by these two things: (clue: how do you reinforce behaviour?)
Rewards and punishments
A person’s unique behavioral and cognitive patterns
This is what maintains, sustains, directs, and channels behavior over an extended amount of time (Ryan & Deci, 2017)
Megan Rapinoe, after winning two Women’s World Cup titles for the United States, led this advocacy after discovering that they were paid much lesser than their male counterparts.
Equal pay for athletes
Albert Bandura pioneered the social learning theory, which states that people can learn through behavior being modelled by others. How is behavior picked up, according to this theory?
Just like in science, this is how psychologists and scholars obtain objective information (as opposed to “common sense”):
Scientific method
Under extreme pressure and in situations perceived as important, athletes may perform worse than expected. This is known as ________ and is typically caused by being overly anxious (Kremer et al., 2019).
Winner of seven Grand Prix titles, this athlete supported the BLM movement after police officers were involved in the death of Breonna Taylor in 2020.
Lewis Hamilton
Elizabeth Loftus, a scholar dedicated to memory, is influential because it highlights the fallibility of human memory, and is very important in law studies and eyewitness testimonies. She suggested that memories can be influenced or even altered by…
The four goals of psychology:
Describe, explain, predict, change (behavior)
In studies examining endurance limits, it was found out that this was the deciding factor, not muscular fatigue (2019)
Psychological factors / the brain
A Filipino volleyball player who has a scholarship named after her, after a student who passed a university entrance exam shared on Twitter (now X) that she did not have funds to push through her enrollment
Bea de Leon