Multiple choice
Fill the blanks

In the sentence "The book, WHICH is on the table, belongs to Sarah," the relative pronoun "which" is optional.

True or False?


When the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause or it shows possession, it IS required


Which sentence uses "wherever" correctly?

a) Wherever I go, I take my umbrella.
b) Where I go, I take my umbrella.
c) Whenever I go, I take my umbrella.
d) Whenever I go, I take my coat.

a) Wherever I go, I take my umbrella.

Here, "Wherever" means "at any time" and "in any place"


They ended up ___________ their plans due to the bad weather. (Use a Phrasal verb)

Calling off


"She danced AS IF she were floating on air" is an example of using "as if" to express a hypothetical situation.


"As if" often introduces clauses that describe impressions about feelings or behavior


Choose the correct noun clause:

a) I'll help whatever needs assistance.
b) I'll help whoever needs assistance.
c) I'll help whomever needs assistance.
d) I'll help whichsoever needs assistance.

b) I'll help whoever needs assistance.

Here, "Whoever" means "the person who", "anyone who" or even "everyone who"


The house was built in 1890, ___________ it has been renovated several times since then.
(Use an Adverb clause of time)



By adding the prefix "in-" to the word "patient", it correctly creates the antonym "inpatient."


The prefix "in-" must be swapped with "im-" when the original word starts with P or M


Which sentence demonstrates passive voice in the past tense?

a) The chef cooked the meal.
b) The meal is being cooked by the chef.
c) The meal was cooked by the chef.
d) The chef is cooking the meal.

c) The meal was cooked by the chef.

The passive voice focuses on the subject/object receiver of the action, instead of the one performing it.
Option C is the one that fulfills both requirements (Passive voice + Past tense)


I'll go to the party, ___________ I'm not feeling well. (Use an Adverb clause of condition)

Even if


In the sentence "She handed him the book":

- "Him" is the indirect object
- "The book" is the direct object


The direct object answers the question "What?", and the indirect object answers the question "to whom?"


Which sentence demonstrates passive voice in the present continuous tense?

a) The cake was baked by Mary.
b) Mary is baking the cake.
c) The cake has been baked by Mary.
d) Mary bakes the cake.

b) Mary is baking the cake.

The passive voice focuses on the subject/object receiver of the action, instead of the one performing it.
Option B is the one that fulfills both requirements (Passive voice + Present continuous)


She is the ___________ girl I have ever met. (Superlative compound adjective: Using "Most")

Possible options:

She is the best-looking girl I have ever met.
She is the hardest-working girl I have ever met.


"I suggest that he leave early" is an example of using the subjunctive mood.


Certain expressions and verbs, such as "demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest" are followed by the subjunctive


Choose the correct compound adjective:

a) The company performs in a fast-pace environment.
b) The company performs in a fast-paced environment.
c) The company performs in a fast pace environment.
d) The company performs in a fastpaced environment

b) The company performs in a fast-paced environment.

 Compound adjectives have several rules; depending on the context, the commas and hyphens will make the elements of a possible "Compound adjective" interact, changing its meaning


___________ that he arrives on time, we'll start the meeting.
(Use the Subject-verb inversion in conditional sentence)

Provided that...