Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness

 Do 5,4,3,2,1 right now

5 things you see

4 things you feel

3 things you hear

2 things you smell

1 thing you taste


When would you use distract skills?

Whenever you are overwhelmed in emotion mind; whenever you cannot problem solve or ‘fix’ the issue


What are ways to build mastery?

Whatever skills or things you do that cause you to feel confident, things that come easy for you or you are skilled at.


What are boundaries?

They are what is okay and not okay for people and situations.


What skills should I use:

I feel an intense urge to self-harm

Defusion, Self-Soothe, Distract with A.C.C.E.P.T.S., etc.


Use 4 words to describe emotion mind

Urgency, intense, reactive, needs-based, hard to think beyond 10 minutes, forgets consequences


What is radical acceptance?

Accept the facts of reality instead of using precious energy to fight reality.


What is Cope Ahead?

Creating a plan of DBT skills in preparation for distressing situations that might come up.


What are the differences between passive, aggressive and assertive?

Passive: Others are more important than I am

Assertive: Others and I are equally important

Aggressive: I am more important than others


What skills should I use:

I need my parents to change my curfew for the most important party of the year.

D.E.A.R. M.A.N., G.I.V.E.


Name 3 defusion metaphors

Sushi train, letting balloons go, leaves in a river, watching clouds, crawl out of a box, closing a door, getting on/off a bus


What is the skill when we continually choose to radically accept hard things?

Turn the Mind


How do you “Check the Facts?”

  • What is the Emotion I want to change?

  • What is the Event Prompting My Emotion?

  • What are my interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions about the event?

  • Am I assuming a threat?

  • Does the Emotion and/or its Intensity Fit the Facts?


What are ways you can show someone you are listening/interested in them?

Be gentle

Act interested


Use an Easy Manner

Eye contact

Ask questions

Reflect what they say


What skills should I use:

I feel an intense urge to go and spend a lot of money on clothes.

Defusion, A.C.C.E.P.T.S., opposite to current emotion, observe and describe


Use 4 words to describe reason mind

Pros/Cons, facts, research-based, setting goals, long-term, numb, planning ahead, shut off any feelings and values, physical/medical symptoms


What does TIPP stand for?

T- Temperature

I- Intense Exercise

P- Paced Breathing

P- Paired Muscle Relaxation


What should you do if your emotion does not “fit the facts”?

Use distress tolerance skills to try to calm down enough to find wise mind. Then make choices based in wise mind.


What does G.I.V.E. stand for?

Be gentle

Act interested


Use an Easy Manner


What skills should I use:

I feel like I can never do anything right, and I’m not good at anything.

Accumulate positive experiences, build mastery, distract, self-soothe, opposite to current emotion, defusion


Do a defusion square for “I feel so worthless.”

I am so worthless because… (I can’t do anything right)

I am so worthless

I feel so worthless

I’m noticing the feeling “I feel so worthless” 


Give an example of Opposite to current emotion

Also known as “opposite action,” this skill is what we do when our emotions and/or its intensity do not match the facts of the situation.


How can you I.M.P.R.O.V.E the moment?

  • Imagery

  • Meaning

  • Prayer

  • Relaxation

  • One Thing in the Moment 

  • Vacation

  • Encouragement


What are the steps of D.E.A.R. M.A.N.?

Describe the facts

Express your feelings with I statements

Assert/ask for what you want/don’t want

Reinforce the relationship

Mindful and stay in the moment

Assertive/look confident

Negotiate; help everyone get what they want


What skills should I use?

In the middle of an argument with my partner, I want to just leave the situation and walk away.

D.E.A.R. M.A.N., Distract with ACCEPTS, defusion, FAST