How many modules are there in DBT?
What is four?
What does DBT stand for?
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
What DEAR MAN is used for
What are meeting your own needs?
To enter into the experience mindfully and intentionally
What is to participate?
Being fully focused on only one thing
What is one-mindfully?
The ability to change your emotions
What is Emotion Regulation?
A balanced state where a person is able to make decisions based on both their rational thinking ("reasonable mind") and their emotions ("emotional mind")
What is WISE MIND?
What GIVE is used for
What is to maintain relationships?
To hone your skills, doing what you're good at, to build a sense of confidence and control
What is building mastery?
Listing the positive and negative outcomes of a situation before making a decision
What are pros and cons?
The ability to ask for what you want and say no
What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?
Two opposing ideas DBT finds a balance between
What are acceptance of who you are versus willingness/desire to change?
What FAST is used for
What is maintaining self-respect?
Observing, describing, and participating
What are mindfulness skills?
To behave the opposite of the way your emotions are telling you to behave when it doesn't fit the facts to do what the emotional urge is
What is opposite action?
The ability to practice being self aware in the moment
What is Mindfulness?
What dialectics refers to
What are seemingly opposite ideas being balanced or reconciled?
What is problem-solving?
The mind that is cold, experience-based, and logical
What is rational mind?
Ways to cope with difficult situations, especially using your senses
What is self-soothe?
Ability to tolerate pain in difficult situations
What is Distress Tolerance?
Dialectical thinking can be the opposite of what type of thinking?
What is black-and-white or all-or-nothing thinking?
Being non-judgmental, present, and one-minded
What is mindfulness?
To just notice, pay attention to a thought/feeling
What is observe?
What is radical acceptance?