What is the one thing Greg thinks he is good at?
Video games
Why does Greg not sing during the Wizard of Oz play?
Rodrick is taking a video of him
Why does Greg want to be the Treasurer of his school?
Be popular with girls
What does Greg have to do since his mom gave him a pirate costume?
He has to take Manny trick-or-treating with him
How does Rowley keep annoying Greg at school?
Instead of saying "let's hang out", he says "let's play!"
What position does Greg want to win in the Class Favorites?
Class Clown
What makes Greg's mom interfere at the haunted house?
What is the Cheese Touch?
There is cheese that has been on the basketball court for a while. If anyone touches it, they get the "Cheese Touch", which is basically cooties, until you pass it to someone else. The only way to protect yourself is by crossing your fingers.
What is Greg's plan for all of the snow over the past few years?
Make the biggest snowman ever
How do Greg and Rowley become friends again after their fight?
Greg says he threw away "The Cheese" and takes responsibility for the cheese being gone, when really Rowley had to eat it.
Why does Greg want to gain weight?
He is tired of Fregley beating him during wrestling
How does Greg's dad punish him when he does something wrong?
He throws whatever is in his hand
Why does Greg hate middle school? How would he fix the problem?
What problem do Greg and Rowley have with Shane Snella?
He refuses to get out from under the bed
What is Greg worried about during his fight with Rowley?
Rowley learned karate
Why is Greg writing this diary?
For when he becomes famous
What is Greg's New Year Resolution?
He says he won't play with Manny
How does Rowley get in trouble with the principal?
Someone mistakes Greg for Rowley while chasing the kids
How does Rowley get hurt while riding the Big Wheel?
Rowley runs over a ball
What does Greg do for Rowley when Rowley gets grounded?
Greg tells him about his favorite TV show on the phone
What is the name of Greg's cartoon?
Creighton the Cretin
Who is Greg's secret weapon?
Uncle Charlie
Greg is angry that Rowley told the principal that he was the one who pestered the kids but quickly forgives him. Why?
Each Patrol officer gets a trip to Six Flags and gets to take a friend with them. Greg wants to be Rowley's friend to go to Six Flags.
What does Greg want for Christmas? Full Name!
Twisted Wizard video game
How does Greg get back at Rowley for being best friends with Collin Lee?
He decides to become best friends with someone else, so he sleeps over at Fregley's house.