What is a dictatorship?
Is a political regime in which a single person rules with total power.
What is democracy?
Term referred to designated one of the forms of government.
What is a Single-Party Dictatorship?
Is a type of sovereign state which only one political party form the government.
Name one modern-day dictatorship outside of Europe.
Belarus or North Korea.
What term describes the government’s control over what citizens see, hear, or say?
Types of dictatorships
-Military dictatorship
-Single-party dictatorship
Why democracy is important?
Because it provides the chance to all the citizens to choose their representatives.
What is a monarchy?
A political system based upon the undivided rule of a single person.
Which dictator ruled Iraq from 1979 to 2003?
Saddam Hussein
What did dictators use to influence public opinion and create a glorified image of themselves?
Example of Single-party Dictatorship
Communist Party of Cuba
What is the term derived from Greek?
´demos´ (people)
´kratos´ (ruler)
What is a Military dictatorship?
A dictatorship in which the military exerts complete control over political authority.
Which dictator was known as the “Last King of Scotland”?
Idi Amin
What term describes the use of fear and violence to silence opposition?
Example of Single-Party Dictatorship
Worker´s Party of Korea
How many countries are free/democrative?
Name two dictators:
-Adolf Hitler
-Kim Jong-Un
What term describes large-scale killing or destruction ordered by a dictator?
What was the name of Hitler’s secret police force?
The Gestapo
How is dictatorship camouflaged?
Using persuasion or even corruption.
How many countries are partly free?
Does dictatorship respects the people´s rights?
No, because dictatorship have the total power and dont´t let people express their opinion.
Which dictator ruled Malawi and established himself as a life-long president?
Hastings Banda
What organization in Stalin’s Soviet Union played a similar role to the Gestapo?