Mystery 1
Mystery 2

Which American Hunter was given the nickname Buffalo Bill?

a Stephen Crane

b Ted Williams

c William Frederick Cody

d William Lloyd Garrison

c William Frederick Cody


What date is Michaelmas celebrated?

a September 10

b September 29

c October 29

b May 1

b September 29

A nabob is a governor of a province of the mogul empire in what country?

a Turkey

b Finland

c India

d Yemen

c India


A pince-nez is clipped to what part of the body by a  spring?

a wrist

b ear 

c nose

d lips

c nose


The word easel was an extension of what original meaning?

a donkey

b painting

c chalkboard

d frame

d. frame


What French chemist gave the element, oxygen, its name?

a Carl Scheele

b Blaise Pascal

c Joseph Priestly

d Antoine Lavoisier

d Antoine Lavoisier


What division of the embryonic vertebrate brain will you find the hindbrain?

a first

b fourth

c second

d third

d third


The Laurentian Plateau is also known as what?

a. The Himalayas

b. Inner Mongolia

c. Canadian Shield

d. Guantanamo Bay

c. Canadian Shield


Someone who is "red blooded" would be described as?

a energetic

b angry

c smart

d shy

a energetic


Which occupation would most likely use a seine?

a. fisherman

b. baseball player

c. therapist

d. dentist

a. fisherman

What is the name of a national or international camping assembly of Boy Scouts?

a demure

b rankle

c reserved

d jamboree

d jamboree


How many times can a flashbulb be used?

a three

b one

c six

d two

b one


What is the capital of Bhutan?

a Brussels

b Thimphu

c Baku

d Dhaka

b Thimphu


Digitalis is prepared from the leaves of what common plants?

a foxgloves

b indian pipe

c peppermint

d milkweed 

a foxgloves


The poisonous  herb hemlock is related to what vegetable?

a carrots

b green beans

c squash

d kale

a carrots


Someone who sleeps all day could be described as a what?

a slam-bang

b paranoid

c mope

d frantic

c mope

Which of the following is NOT a quadruped?

a bird

b dog

c llama

d rabbit

a bird


The Vandals were a Germanic people who originally lived where?

a Australia

b Northern Europe

c Southern Europe

d Canada

b Northern Europe

A sump is a pit or reservoir serving as a container for what?

a rocks

b sand

c soil

d liquids

d liquids


What is the atomic number for the chemical element, neodymium?

a 6

b 35

c 42

d 60

d 60


Which star is the brightest star in the group of stars of Cygnus?

a Deneb

b neutron star

c Gemini

d protoplanet

a Deneb


How many miles long is the Arno River? 

a 241 miles

b 150 miles

c 200 miles

d 175 miles

b 150 miles


Where would you find a Portuguese man-of-war?

a underground

b battlefield

c the sea

d mountaintop

c the sea


Ephedrine is used as a salt in relieving all of the following EXCEPT?

a hay fever 

b muscle tension

c asthma

d nasal congestion

b muscle tension


What does a seismologist study?

a volcanoes

b sea animals

c earthquakes

d dinosaur fossils

c earthquakes