Multiple Intelligences
Emotional Intelligence
Learning Styles
Gender Differences
Special Learners
What is a growth mindset?
A mindset that suggests that intelligence is developed throughout life.
What is the difference between IQ and EQ?
IQ is Intelligence Quotient, and EQ is Emotional Quotient.
What are the factors that can influence learning?
Physiology, affective factors, and cognitive factors
Is there a difference between how girls and boys learn, fundamentally?
No, there is not.
What defines an exceptional learner?
Students that are behind and above grade level.
What does the theory of multiple intelligences recognize?
Diverse ways of learning
According to Daniel Goleman, which quotient is the best predictor for life success?
Emotional Intelligence
How do neuroscientists suggest educators address different learning styles?
By incorporating each learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) into their lesson plans.
What was Dr. Janet Hyde's gender similarities hypothesis?
That males and females are more alike in their learning styles and needs than they are different.
What is an IEP, and how can they differ on a student-to-student basis?
An Individualized Education Program, and it can differ because there is no specific form to use so long as goals, objectives, services, and evaluation are included in each one.
What are the five minds?
The Ethical Mind, The Respectful Mind, The Disciplined Mind, The Synthesizing Mind, The Creating Mind
What is the Marshmallow Story?
Part of a study done by Daniel Goleman, in which the participants were given a scenario as children and their actions were recorded and correlated to behavior as adolescents.
What is neuroplasticity?
The growth of the brain, achieved through the development of new neural pathways.
How does neuroplasticity relate to teaching different genders? (hint: it's not different between girls and boys)
Neuroplasticity can be engaged in the classroom by engaging in a variety of activities to keep all students interested.
Why does the term 'giftedness' cause controversy?
Ambiguity of definition, what skills qualify giftedness.
What is the difference between interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence?
Interpersonal is the ability to respond to others, while intrapesonal is the knowledge of oneself.
In the Marshmallow Study by Daniel Goleman, what were the traits of children who waited to get a second marshmallow?
Once in adolescence, they had higher SAT scores and were more popular, adventurous, adjusted, and confident than the group who ate their singular marshmallows.
Provide three examples of how to include each learning style in instruction.
Visual: Use visual aids, ask students to highlight/color-code, note subheadings and illustrations, seat near the front, use whiteboards/slides, use guided imagery Auditory: Repeat information back, incorporate group work and verbal processing, record lessons, ask to read aloud Kinesthetic: Student movement, encourage note taking, incorporate skits/role-plays, hands-on lessons, field explorations, ask for observations
What are the ways that socialization contributes to gender learning differences?
Boys tend to be directed towards activities that promote spatial skills, which are not taught/tested on in schools, while girls are more encouraged to take up skills already taught in schools; each leads to the respective interest and/or skill in specific subject areas (math, sciences, literature, history, art, physical education).
How restrictive would a school that provided special needs students with a resource room along with instruction in a regular classroom?
Neutral - not the most restrictive (homebound/hospital) but also not the least restrictive (regular classroom).