Content, Process & Product
Gifted Students
504 Plans

A type of assessment which occurs on an ongoing basis, assessing what students know and are able to do as they progress through learning activities.

What is formative assessment?


When teachers strive for the development of lessons that appeal to all students.

What is engaging all learners?


Giving a pretest and checking for understanding prior to teaching the lesson.

What is assessing students' prior knowledge?


One way teachers can address the needs of gifted students.

What is challenge problems, pre-testing out, knowing "excitabilities", and / or allowing group work with students of similar strengths?


Something that qualifies a student for a 504 plan.

What is any physical or mental impairment which may limit them from day-to-day activities. 


Assessment which occurs before teaching to determine what students know in order to provide instructional direction to the teacher.

What is diagnostic assessment?


A process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class.

What is differentiated instruction?


Assessment that measures how much a student has learned, retained, and mastered over the course of study, instructional unit, or lesson.

What is summative assessment?


Not providing mentally stimulating work for gifted students may result in this.

What is lack of motiviation, boredom, acting out, and / or poor mental health?


True or false? At the whole-class setting, teachers direct higher level questions to the students who can handle them.

True. By targeting higher level questions to capable students, all students can remain engaged and challenged at their individual levels. This helps prevent boredom and disengagement among advanced learners who may feel unstimulated by less challenging questions.

Directing higher level questions to capable students allows them to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge, fostering a sense of achievement and boosting their self-confidence. It also provides an opportunity for these students to further develop critical thinking skills and deepen their understanding of the material.

Lastly, differentiating instruction in this way helps create a supportive learning environment where each student is encouraged to reach their full potential. By catering to the needs of all learners in the classroom, teachers can promote a more inclusive and effective learning experience for everyone.


Differentiated assessments are not fair since students perform different tasks.

What is false? All tasks should be equally appealing and challenging to each student.


Maximizing each student's growth and individual success by meeting the students where they are and assisting in the learning process.

What is the intent of differentiating instruction?


Measures student learning over a course of study. It is on-going.

What is formative assessment?

What is one locally targeted resource for gifted students?

What are challenging courses or accelerated programs ?


Something a student with a 504 plan might receive.

What are: extended testing time, testing in different rooms, leaving the classroom when needed, preferred seating, reduced/altered assignments, adjusted schedules, technology aids?


True or false; assessment takes the form of a test.

What is false. It is a product of student learning preference.


Teachers can differentiate by content, process, or product through a range of these strategies.

What are instructional strategies?


These are three ways to differentiate.

What are: content, process, and product?


What is one way for a gifted student to feel appreciated?

What is ask his or her advice / ask for assistance?


A 504 plan goal may do this:

What is decrease learning barriers, accommodate students with different learning techniques based from of their individual needs?

True or False? Students should be given options to show they have learned the content in summative AND formative assessments.

What is true? 


These kinds of questions are what a teacher should ask when developing their big ideas.

What are guided questions?


These are used to gather information on student readiness levels, interests, and/or learning profiles.

What is: an exit ticket / assessment / end of lesson quiz / or exam?


True or False? Some tasks are less appealing and undesirable for some students in the classroom.

What is false. Differentiation requires "respectful tasks" that are interesting and meaningful for all students, regardless of their level of ability. They should be challenging, engaging, thought-provoking, and should respond to the needs of the students. 


Universal design combines differentiated instruction with these, aimed at maximizing learning for all.

What are accommodations?