Learning Preferences
Do's and Don't's
Differentiating Strategies
Fifth Grade Team

What teachers know of students' learning stules tends to be based on these.

What are self-reported student surveys?


Starting with a manageable number of learning profile options and gradually expanding is recommended approach?

What is "don't"?


This differentiating strategy is between students and teachers and come in different forms including menus, agendas, and Think-Tac-Toes.

What are learning contracts?


Nine students in a grade-five class read at or below a grade-one level. The grade-level text for the current Amplify unit, The Reformation: Shifts in Power, is too complex for the students. The teacher collects (or requests) a variety of print and digital materials on the unit-theme at the appropriate level according to the student-needs.  

What is using varied text and resource materials?


Who are the 5th grade teachers?

Who are Mr. Lillis, Mr. Carrey, Ms. Fargo, and Ms. Kwizera?


There is little to this to indicate that assigning students to tasks by learning scores.

What is research?


Encouraging students to work in a less familiar or comfortable modes occasionally helps them expand their range of learning approaches.

What is "DO"?


This differentiating strategy is used when some students aren't quite ready to move on and require more time on the lesson.

What are providing minilessons?


In one week, for Amplify, grade-five students must complete several workbook pages, produce an extended writing example, and demonstrate mastery of spelling and morphology. The teacher entrusts the students with mapping out an independent plan of action for the week, and students are held accountable for their time and self-management.

What is using learning contracts?


Who is the only 5th grade teacher that has a child?

Who is Ms. Fargo?


It's often the case that this results in stereotyping of students and group of students.

What is labeling?


Teaching in multiple modes and giving students opportunity to learn and express learning in multiple modes.

What is "DO"?


This differentiating strategy is used to capture students' attention by making the content more memorable and/or relevent.

What is presenting in different modes?


A teacher introduces a new Amplify unit-chapter, “The Reformation Movement,” for gist for an abbreviated period of the class-period. Students who grasp the gist move on independently while the teacher teaches multiple subgroups with varied approaches and objectives.

What is providing minilessons?


Who's Mom went to Beech St. as a student?

Who is Mr. Lillis?


Educators descriptions of how they use learning style as an instructional this actually works.

What is the brain?


Assuming that all of your students learn best in the same ways you do.

What is "DON'T"?


This differentiating strategy is used to make content of different levels more accessible to students by using support systems - partner read, note-taking organizers, highlighted print, key ideas, mentors.

What are varied support systems?


An ELL “newcomer” arrives in a fifth-grade class. The expectation is that the student must have access to grade-five level content. The student does not speak Spanish—they are from Rwanda—so no dual-language materials are available from the publisher for the student. The school-approved translation service, Systran, does not provide translation in the student’s language (Kinyarwanda). So, the teacher does their best to produce an English-Kinyarwanda dual-lingual text with Google Translate, and, by good fortune, is able to have it peer-reviewed by a teacher that does speak the student’s home language. 

What is providing varied support systems?


Who is the 5th grade team's co-teaching team?

Who are Mr. Carrey and Ms. Kwizera?