The text refers to assessment as?
Data Collection
Making judgements and decisions, based on the assessment data that have been gathered, about a student or group of students
The way in which evaluation results are communicated
This refers to the nation-wide, province wide, or district-wide efforts to provide information about student achievements
Large-scale assessment
Directing complexity of learning from the basic memorization of facts to a high level of critical thinking
Bloom's Taxonomy
A symbolic representation of evaluation
This type of assessment is well matched to the demands of teaching in inclusive classrooms and is particularly helpful for differentiating teaching for exceptional learners
Assessment for Learning
Characterized learning at various levels by providing students with information about the steps they must take to improve
Qualitative Rubric
A heavily weighted exam, whose results have important consequences for the test taker (eg. diploma)
High-stakes Test
Assessment that focuses on authentic skills and experiences in real-life environments (eg. portfolios vs. traditional testing formats)
Alternative Assessment
Identify that students with higher achievement have greater quantities of valued responses
Quantitative Rubric
Collections of students work that show their achievements and their learning over time