Phoenix Career Services
My Career Plan
Employer Job Opportunites
Corporate & National Industry Partners
Absolutely Random
The definition of Phoenix Career Services
What is a broad service that provides tools, resources and services for potential and existing students. These valuable services become part of a customized career plan for students that shows them step-by-step what they need to do to enhance their careers, and when.
The definition of "My Career Plan"
What is the road map to help enrolled students understand the relevancy of their academics and to help pursue their career goals.
Definition of "Employer Job Opportunities"
What is the University of Phoenix partners with many of America’s top employers to help our students and alumni connect their education to a meaningful careers. These career positions are listed within the Phoenix Career Services portal and can be accessed via eCampus for students; and through the alumni website.
Describe the purpose of the National Industry Partner?
What is the University partners with industry associations to engage in creating new and different curriculum, which results in our students having contemporary and relevant coursework reflective of the changing priorities in U.S. industries.
The importance of knowing all about the UOPX differentiators.
What is a good answer.
The number of questions in the Career Interest Profiler.
What is 18.
My Career Plan Charactionary! (Charades & Pictionary in one)
Who's got it better than us? Nobody.
That was fun, eh?
The best time to discuss WFS with students.
What is when you discuss a student's employer, tuition assistance or something else that is relevent to the answer.
What makes us better is this.
What is what makes us different.
The link between education and this.
What is a more fullfiling and challenging career.
How "My Career Plan" makes UOPX different.
What is a comprehensive road map and development plan to help students identify career goals and skills gaps while outlining an individualized plan to help students increase their skills and successfully prepare for desired career opportunities.
When to discuss the "Employer Job Opportunities" initiative with students
What is when the conversation brings up job searches, job qualifications, being out of work, value of a degree.
The 4 keywords to mention in regards to Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
What is •Professional Training Portfolio: Term used to describe all non-Experiential Learning Essay petition items submitted to PLA for evaluation. Examples: certificates, licenses, training courses, transcripts, etc. •Credit Recommendation Guide: List of companies and their training courses that have been pre-evaluated and given a credit-award recommendation by Prior Learning Assessment. •Apollo Quick List: PLA document/list containing pre-evaluated professional certificates and licenses with credit award recommendations. Not all professional certificates and licenses have been pre-evaluated or are included on this list. •Experiential Learning Essays: The outline and rationale of an Experiential Learning Essay follows Kolb's Model of learning where experience is considered a source of learning and development. The student’s essay must demonstrate concrete experience, reflection of experience, generalizations/principles/theories and application of what has been learned.
Circle Gets the Square! Tic Tac Tofu
This was entertaining.
You won the challange!
3 Ways "My Career Plan" benefits students
What is •Further defines best-fit career, and identifies where there are gaps in skills. •Includes Competency Development Tips and Career Development Tasks that help students develop their competencies and outline recommended actions. •Gives students the ability to chart and track their progress using the timeline progress bar and calendar that they can customize to add Career Development Tasks and Competency Development Tips to help students work toward their career goals.
How does "Employer Job Opportunities" relate to the Education to Careers Initiative?
What is Provides a tool for students and alumni to search for and find employers who value their degree, and are actively searching for University of Phoenix candidates.
Finance Feud!!! The top 11 Differentiators of the University of Phoenix
Alumni Network Phoenix Connect Student Workshops Life Resource Center UNIV Financial Planning/iGrad Adaptive Learning PLA Experience Phoenix Career Services Corporate Partners National Industry Partners
The unscrambled version of this: apgnnalolanciinftloni
What is Financial Planning Tool
The 5 steps of Phoenix Career Tools, beginning with Step 1: Explore
What is Step 2: Understand Step 3: Develop Step 4: Pursue Step 5: Apply
The 5 Steps of "My Career Plan"
What are: Step 1: Identify career interests Step 2: Choose a career goal Step 3: Determine competencies, work culture preferences, & reasoning abilities Step 4: Develop career specific competencies Step 5: Complete career development tasks
The four ways that students benefit from the "Employer Job Opportunities" initiative.
What is •Through Phoenix Career Services, students and alumni can connect to meaningful career opportunities from employer partners that value an educated workforce and are actively searching for qualified candidates. •The PCS career opportunities are from some of America’s top companies across the country. •There are more than18,000 positions currently provided on the Phoenix Career Services portal and new partners are being added. •Many Phoenix Career Services partners also offer tuition assistance so students can receive discounts on their tuition while working for a great company that encourages them to earn their degree.
The way the Workforce Solutions team benefits students.
What is the Workforce Solutions team collaborates with corporations and industry associations on curriculum to best prepare students for successful careers. Students of Workforce Solutions Education Partners may be eligible for benefits. To find out if a student’s organization has an Education Partnership, please visit our Employer Agreement View (EAV) tool (
The purpose of iGrad.
What is an online financial education resource that provides tools and resources to help our students better manage their finances. It’s designed to be casual, brief and easy-to-understand. Think of iGrad as a resource library - the go-to place for money management and student loan repayment information. The site offers more than 500 articles and approximately 150 videos, as well as calculators and games to educate students about budgeting, credit reports and choosing a repayment plan.