The primary function of the mouth in the digestive system
What is breaking down food into smaller pieces?
How enzymes speed up the digestion process
What is breaking down macromolecules into their monomers?
(Double Jeopardy)
What is chewing and mechanical digestion?
The two systems that meet so that nutrients can be absorbed into the bloodstream
What is the cardiovascular and digestive system?
The overall purpose of the digestive system
What is breaking down food into energy and usable parts?
This organ is responsible for moving food from the mouth to the stomach
What is the esophagus?
(Double Jeopardy)
Is secreted by the liver to help breaks down fats
What is bile?
The difference between mechanical and chemical digestion
What is movement/physically breaking down food and using chemicals to break down food?
Where the majority of nutrient absorption takes place
What is the small intestine?
The function of the stomach in digestion
What is breaking down food and proteins?
What the stomach does during digestion
What is chemically and mechanically breaking down food?
The enzyme in saliva begins the breakdown this macromolecule
What is carbohydrates?
The use of bile is an example of
The reason the small intestine is the longest organ in the digestive system
What is more time/space for nutrients absorption?
(Double Jeopardy)
What is the function of the liver?
What is producing bile to help break down fats?
The organ where most of the nutrient absorption occurs
What is the small intestine?
The enzyme is produced in the small intestine to help digest
What are nucleic acids and lipids?
The churning of food in the stomach is an example of
What is mechanical digestion?
People who suffer from inflammation (swelling) of their small intestine absorb less nutrients due to
What is less absorption surface area?
Why is it important for enzymes to be specific? (only effect 1 specific molecule)
What is only breaking down one type of macromolecule and not everything?
(double jeopardy)
The role of the large intestine in the digestive process
What is removing excess water?
The three main location of enzymes involved in digestion and their specific roles
What is saliva/mouth and carbohydrates, stomach and proteins, and lipids/nucleic acids in the small intestine.
(Double Jeopardy)
Peristalsis in the digestive system is
What is movement without thinking?
(Double Jeopardy)
These structures in the small intestine increase absorption surface area
What is the villi of the small intestine?
The digestive system maintains homeostasis in the body with the endocrine system by
What is regulating energy and blood sugar?