Material Considerations
Complications of Digital Life
Digital Usage
Generational Considerations

Refers to the concept of extending Internet connectivity beyond conventional computing platforms such as personal computers and mobile devices, say fridges or shoes.

What is the Internet of Things?


She was dragged, threatened, fired for an offensive comment...or a really poorly executed joke.

Who is Justine Sacco?


An unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of problems, often mathematical and automated. Used by big media-tech companies to determine search results, news feeds, and what you see.

What is an algorithm?


With no distinction left between the past, the present and the future, and the here or there, we are left with this moment everywhere.

What is the Digital Now?


You're accused of being good at it. An example: Goldsmith walks, annotates, records his body info, sends data to Google, gives data geotagged info.

What is multi-tasking?


Said The Medium is the Message.

Who is Marshall McLuhan?


Almost 1/2 of Internet traffic is this.

What is bot?


That the Pope backed Trump for presidency is an example of it.

What is Fake News?


The act of breaking down a piece of persuasive text or author to understand how it performs its work

What is a rhetorical analysis?


Forget your image macros, it is, according to Richard Dawkins, it is the spreading of cultural ideas, from brain to brain, and with mutations as quickly as possible.

What are memes?


This, then, is the not the medium of the message.

What is content?


According to academic and Microsoft's research, notifications, social media, etc. is training people to do this.

What is be distracted/interrupt themselves.


Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016 – an adjective defined as ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’

What is post-truth?


A vast, crowdsourced repository for much of the world's encyclopedic knowledge. Teachers, however, are like, "Nah. Don't use it."

What is Wikipedia?


One who has only lived during the era of internet-driven media.

Who are Gen Z or Digital Natives?


Eastern City where we, North America, plug into the rest of the world...or they plug into us.

Where is Halifax?

Perhaps you are more so if you are staring at the moon than texting. Perhaps not.

What is present?


Goldsmith applauds this quality of social media, but it may also be part of the issue in the rise of inaccuracies floating around.

What is the 'leveling' quality?


One who strolls, browses, window-shops without buying. Lurks without posting. Neutral.

Who is a flaneur?


As tech advances, we are not good at shifting these. An example is that Trump recalls 'hearing' the TV.

What are intensitites?



A policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of opening trade opportunities...seeing reproduced in modern times via the digital divide.

What is colonialism?


The fear of outsourcing memory to the echo of Plato's concerns of loosing speech to text.

What is digital amnesia?


Briefly, what happened to facts in the digital age, according to an Italian sociologist. (this one need not be a question)

Something about mediation or multi-pronged communication.


Pen to paper without conscious thought. Or, keystrokes in your browser remembered by Google indefinitely.

What is Automatic Writing?


Coined by a Stanford professor, this hybrid word aptly describes the innate awesomeness AND inanity of the web simultaneously exhibits.

What is stuplime