Digital Access & Digital Commerce
Digital Communication & Digital Collaboration
Digital Etiquette & Digital Fluency
Digital Health & Welfare/Digital Law
Digital Rights & Responsibility/Digital Security & Privacy

All students should have the ability to use technology.

What is digital access?


True or False, it is unacceptable to disagree with someone online?

False, people with different opinions disagree all the time.  As long as you are respectful to others', you can voice your thoughts, even when they are different.


True or False, it is okay to say bad things about people as much as you want as long as they don't know you said it?

False, speaking poorly of someone repeatedly is a form of cyberbullying and is never acceptable.  If you wouldn't want someone to say something about you or if you know something can be hurtful, don't say it.


True or False, working on the computer online is a good substitute for playing outside?

False, although being online has many uses, it is also important to have a healthy balance included physical and social activities that do not involve technology.


True or False, when you see something online that is inappropriate, you should inform your parents or another trusted adult? 

True, it is your responsibility to let a trusted adult know so they can take actions to prevent this from happening in the future.


True or False, you should buy things online no matter where they come from?

False, everyone needs to be careful when buying or selling items online.  Make sure your parent/guardian checks out the website before buying anything.


True or False, you can say whatever you want online without consequences?

False, once something is sent online, it is out there for the world to see.  Even if you delete it from a website, people can still find it.  Make sure to read and reread anything you post before sending it.  


The ability to determine what is real and what is made up online is known as...

Digital Fluency


True or False, you cannot be punished for anything you post online?

False, their are laws for online use just as there are laws for actions you take in person.  If you use technology in a way that breaks a law, you can be fined or even charged with a crime.


True or False, it is okay to search the web for anything you want to see?

False, there are many viruses and similar problems that can be caused by going to the wrong websites.  Ask a trusted adult before searching anything where you are not 100 percent sure it is safe.


True or False, a teacher should give homework assignments that can only be done online?

False, teachers should be aware that not everyone has technology in their home.  Teachers should encourage students to go to public libraries for free online access but also offer assignments that can be done without technology.


True or False, kids cannot collaborate online?

False, as with any electronic communication, have an adult supervise to protect you.  Students collaborate on projects around the world such as elections, charting weather and much, much more.


Posting embarrassing pictures of another person goes against the rule of....

Digital Etiquette - You should always consider others' feelings before taking any actions online.  Remember, you cannot take something back once it is out there.


True or False, using technology devices too often can cause long term health problems?

True, when you type for long periods of time you may feel pain from a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome.  Excessive use can also strain your eyes, legs and many other parts of the body.


True or False, if a friend tells you about an inappropriate website and tells you not to tell anyone, you should do what they say?

False, it is your responsibility to inform a trusted adult so you can protect your friend as well as make sure the technology does not get damaged by harmful viruses/bugs.

True or false, it can be dangerous to buy or sell things online?

True, it is possible for people to steal your information such as where you live, your credit cards and personal information.


True or False, you should have an adult check out a website before making comments on it?

True, many websites are great tools for communicating and collaborating, but there are people out there that use sites to track children.  Always make sure your parents, guardians or trusted adults check a site first before using it and never share personal information (ex. where you live, contact information, etc.).

True or False, you can always trust things you read online?

False, while some sources are reliable and truthful, everything you read online should be verified from other sources.  Just because someone says it, doesn't make it so.


True or false, you can use technology devices anytime and in anyway you want while at school?

False, school districts such as ours have rules about when and how teachers, students and any other school employees or visitors to schools may use technology devices.


True or False, it is okay to share personal information online as long as you know the person?

False, even though the person you know may be trustworthy, you never know when a hacker may access the communication and use such personal information for their own personal or financial gain.  As a rule, don't share it online.


True or false, you should never buy things online?

False, with your parents/guardians supervision, it is possible to research and find sites that protect buyers/sellers.  You may be able to find things that you cannot where you live.  Just be careful.


True or False, what you say online can't cause problems for you in the future?

False, remember once you send it, it is out there forever.  People have lost jobs, scholarships and opportunities based on inappropriate comments made many years ago.  Communicate online the way you would with your family, with respect.

True or False, you can use other people's passwords as long as you don't do anything illegal or morally wrong? 

False, when you use someone's identity, people assume it is another person.  If you do it without their consent, it is known as identity theft and can lead to criminal and civil penalties.


True or False, there are ways you can use digital devices to improve your health?

True, there are exercise apps such as Map My Run that track your physical exercise.  With an adult's supervision, you might also find a group with similar interests in your area such as a baseball league or skiing club.


You see that someone has posted online something about another person that can be hurtful.  Is it your responsibility to inform a trusted adult even though you did not post it?

You should inform the trusted adult right away. Just like with bullying in person, if you don't stand up for a victim of bullying, you are enabling the person to bully but not taking any action.  Just think if you were the victim of the hurtful comments.  Would you want someone to stand up for you even if you had not read them?